Tuesday Marketips — Edition #2

Mattia Michini
Food Branding And Marketing
5 min readOct 18, 2016


Welcome to our second Tuesday Marketips!

Every week we share articles about marketing & social media that will improve your tasty business.

How To Generate More Leads For Your Business With SEO

SEO is Search Engine Optimization, which pretty much speaks for itself.

If used correctly, it will ensure the visibility of your website and its content on search engine results pages.

It’s an all-encompassing term used to describe anything that achieves these results, from link-building and social media marketing, to having your website itself embedded with keywords that will alert search engines.

Six Steps to Creating a Successful Infographic for Your Business [Infographic]

Want to boost your referral traffic and generate more social shares from your content? Then craft engaging infographics. Here’s how to get started.

First, “identify what your target audience will be interested in,” states SerpLogic in its infographic. “A successful infographic will highlight the expertise of the company creating it while satisfying the interest of its audience.”

Next, “source the content and data points for the infographic,” recommends SerpLogic. “Reference all data to give credit to the original source of information.”

For more tips on creating a successful infographic, check out the infographic.

100+ Digital Marketing Tools to Help You Become A More Effective Marketer

Here’s the honest truth: You’re busy and finding the time to be not only efficient but effective is a constant struggle.

Recent research from MarketingProfs has found that B2B companies plan to increase digital marketing budgets by 12–15% year over year. But are the funds being invested in the right place?

A healthy mix of talent, customer experience, process and digital marketing tools are a winning combination for digital marketing success. Below are insights into some of our tool related posts that we’ve gathered to help you choose which free or paid tools are the best fit for your organization.

Is your content share-worthy? 4 questions to ask

Getting your content featured on major websites doesn’t necessarily mean it will ignite a frenzy of social media activity. After analyzing 26,000 links earned for client content marketing campaigns over the years, the team at Fractl found that just because a piece of content receives a lot of backlinks and press coverage, it does not mean it will also receive a lot of social shares (and vice versa).

In this post, they focus on how you can optimize your content for social sharing by incorporating the elements proven to drive online audiences to engage and share content.

What marketers should know about Instagram’s latest tests and rollouts

Much like with Facebook, the team at Instagram regularly tweaks the ad experience in a bid to improve advertiser results over time. You’ve probably already seen one of the most recent examples of this, with Instagram rolling out a major change to ad calls to action (CTAs) on the platform back in mid-June.

Columnist Andrew Waber discusses new and potential changes to Instagram’s ad formats and capabilities — and what marketers should do to prepare for them.

11 Examples of Instagram Ads We Love

Advertising on Instagram presents businesses with a unique opportunity because the Ads appear on the 500 million monthly active users’ Instagram feeds without interrupting user experience, similar in appearance to the organic posts their friends are sharing. Additionally, Instagram Ads are displayed based on user Likes and Follows on Instagram and Facebook, giving marketers the opportunity to target their advertising efforts even more precisely.

In this post, the guys at Hubspot featured Instagram Ads that impressed them with actionable suggestions for your next Instagram Ads campaign.

Why Twitter Matters to Marketing [Infographic]

With all the newer, shinier, image-driven social media sites like Snapchat and Instagram, many marketers have lost sight of the value of Twitter, preferring to chase after the latest “toy”. But if you have been ignoring Twitter, it’s time you re-examine it.

As of June 2016, 313 million people are using the platform and posting 500 million tweets a day. That’s a lot of traffic and interest. With all that chatter going on, marketers may wonder if it’s worth the investment of time and resources — 65.8% of businesses are on Twitter and nearly half of the people who follow brands on the platform report that they’re likely to visit the company website.

How to Increase Facebook Content Shareability in 7 Easy Steps

Want to reach more people on Facebook? Of course you do!

Despite many businesses and brands moving on to other social media platforms, Facebook still rules for social media marketing. So naturally, you want to leverage your social media marketing through Facebook in order to reach and engage with a much wider audience.

In this post, you’ll learn how to get your content shared on Facebook — which will guarantee higher reach and engagement for your brand.

Snapchat 101: What Brands Need to Know [Infographic]

The way to win at Snapchat is to take the time and effort to understand the platform, your audience, and contribute in a meaningful way. And time is probably the biggest factor in that equation.

So should you be investing more into Snapchat, or are there other platforms better suited to your business? To help you get a better understanding of this, MDG Advertising have created this new infographic which outlines some key usage data for Snapchat, along with notes on how brands are utilizing the platform to best effect. If you’re mulling over how you can translate your brand into Snaps, this overview might be just the thing you need to make that decision.



Mattia Michini
Food Branding And Marketing

Brand & Digital Designer from Italy. Food lover + tech enthusiast.