4 Simple Nutrition Principles from “The Magic Pill”

For people in a hurry.

Kahlil Corazo
Food equals Health
1 min readAug 20, 2018


The Magic Pill is a keto documentary. Here’s the Google search summary:

Here are the principles I took away from the documentary:

1. Whole food over heavily processed food.

Eat that which swims, flies, runs, photosynthesizes.

2. Healthy fats, not industrial fats.

My go to fats: eggs, coconut oil, olive oil, peanut butter, fatty meat, avocados, home-made full-cream yogurt.

3. Refined carbs only for special occasions.

Reduce consumption of rice, bread, pasta, beer, cookies, anything sugary.

4. Fast.

Here’s the trailer:

