Chocolate Coconut Cups

Paula G
Food equals Health
Published in
4 min readApr 8, 2018

So these little guys are suuuuper easy to make and even more fun to eat !

What you’ll need


1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup lactose free butter
1/2 cup coconut/almond flour

Chocolate Top

35g dark chocolate (1 bar)
Touch of coconut/almond milk
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 tbsp Maca powder

Step One: Melt the coconut oil and lactose free butter together on low heat

Step Two: Add in either the coconut or almond flour (or hey maybe a mix of both) into the melted oil & butter and stir until a nice consistency is made so that there are no clumps.

Between almond & coconut flour, they might only sound like fancy alternatives, but both actually bring some pretty nice benefits to the table.

Coconut flour benefits → high in fiber, gluten free (ideal for anyone suffering from Celiac disease/gluten intolerance), high in healthy fats (medium chain fatty acids MCFA), scores low on the glycemic index so it doesn’t spike blood sugar levels, and can also help lower bad cholesterol (due to high fiber & MCFA content). See more at: Now, what is coconut flour and where did it come from? It is simply ground up coconut meat!

Almond flour benefits → Also gluten free as it is made up of ground almonds, contains a great source of monosaturated fats which is key in maintaining a healthy heart and good cholesterol levels, reduces blood pressure, discourages aberrant crypt foci in the colon (abnormal clusters of tubes that form in the colon which may lead to colon cancer), and boosts your energy due to it’s riboflavin content (B2). See more at:

Who said dessert couldn’t be healthy !!! 😋

The sites I linked have much more details on the benefits, but this picture gives a nice overview if you just want a quick glance at the main differences between them and traditional wheat flour.

FODMAP are a class of carbohydrates that rapidly ferment in the colon and can produce gas and digestive issues for some people

As with everything in life — moderation is key. Too much almond/coconut flour in one sitting could potentially cause some digestive sensitivity like bloating and gas. However, it is a much more tolerable solution as opposed to standard wheat flour.

Step 3: Add the base to some muffin cups and place it in the freezer for around 15 mins, just so it can get a little hard.

Step 4: Melt some dark chocolate in a bowl above boiling water and add a touch of coconut/almond milk if you want it to be a little more liquidy for a smoother taste.

Step 5: Add in your tbsp of Maca powder & cocoa powder until you get a nice malleable consistency, so that if you were to roll the mix into a ball it could actually hold it’s form.

Step 6: With a spoon (or with your bare hands ..YAS GET IN THAT CHOCOLATE) lay your perfect top mix onto the base you created prior and smooth it out as if you’re sensually shaping clay like you’re Patrick Swayze in the movie Ghost.🔥

Ohhh you thought this was a G-rated keto blog?? LOL.

Step 7: Cool in the freezer for 15–20 mins and enjoy your little cups of Heaven!

  • * Keep note, coconut flour does absorb more liquids & moisture than almond flour/almond meal, so make sure that you calculate your liquids accordingly for any personal recipes you want to make and try out. Coconut flour worked nice in this case because I did want a sturdy cup that I could bite into like a hard cookie!

Hope this inspired you to try and make your own version of a chocolate coconut fat bomb! The recipe idea came from here, as you can see I added my own twist to it so don’t be afraid to experiment in the kitchen (and in any future pottery class 😉 )

Bon Appétit! 🍫

Written By: Paula Giannone.



Paula G
Food equals Health

I love writing and I am currently on my health & wellness journey! I'll be posting all sorts, stay tuned :) insta ➡️miss_keto9