Keto is not your life purpose but keto is still the SH*T.

Angela Shurina
Food equals Health
Published in
6 min readMar 4, 2018


I wanted to write a detailed blog post about getting to 10% body fat as I’m getting ready to compete as a Sports Model in New Jersey IPL this April, but I decided that’s going to be our topic for tomorrow, with video, foods and other cool details, because I absolutely felt compelled to write about another issue, that I find a lot of you guys don’t think enough about. Being in fitness and nutrition world professionally all the time makes a lot of things seem obvious, when they are not — it happens to all of us in our area of expertise.

For a sneak peek of what’s to come tomorrow (and if you can’t wait to get started getting to 10% fat) you can listen to 10% body fat 101 on my podcast, A BETTER SELF DAILY.

I watched this great video about keto diet yesterday night, about creating the body that is metabolically flexible and tuned for maximum performance, mental, physical and emotional, a video from the leaders of the industry with decades of nutritional and life experience, athleticism and business experience.

What did they talk about?

Ultimately, yes, we need to be on some type of keto/fat-adapted diet for a while, to re-educate our body how to become an efficient and effective fat-burning machine, how to live with no hunger an energy crashes, the concept, as Tom Bilyeu (co-founder of Quest Nutrition and now Impact Theory) and Mark Sisson (primal, paleo and keto leader, an athlete, found of Primal Kitchen foods) agreed, is not something you can easily understand, unless you take the steps to experience it.

And yes, eating on a lowcarb side with abundant amount of healthy fatty foods in our diets is the way to go, grains and processed sugars, beans and lots of starchy tubers is proven to be not the best nutritional strategy — that’s where all the recent unbiased studies point, and yes, there are many studies proving all kinds of things, but having tried high carb lifestyle, me and both of the speakers in the video, and switching to high fat lifestyle, gave us the perspective that yes, there is more sense and science to high fat diet, all facts considered. Why else our body would be so great at storing fat, if it wasn’t the preferred, the healthiest and metabolically advanced type of fuel? Plus, think about that again — there are essential fatty acids, there are essential amino-acids (proteins) but there are NONE essential carbohydrates.

Why else our body would be so great at storing fat, if it wasn’t the preferred, the healthiest and metabolically advanced type of fuel? Plus, think about that again — there are essential fatty acids, there are essential amino-acids (proteins) but there are NONE essential carbohydrates.

All that being said, I want to bring one point home today, just one — there is ALWAYS got to be a purpose behind your nutrition and training style.

Having tried almost all diets out there literally, all HEALTHY eating diets — high carb, vegan, frutarian, raw, high protein, and now high fat for more than 5 years, I’ve really learned, what works best for my body and for most people out there, and I’ve really learned, that at the end of the day, the purpose of life is not to become keto-adapted or to save the world becoming enlightened on a raw vegan diet, or to get back to cavemen lifestyle, that nobody knows for sure what that actually looked like, the purpose of life is not to be on any kind of diet for life, following your ideals or dogmas. The purpose of life is to fulfill your calling, make happen things, that sets YOUR soul on fire. The purpose of your nutrition and lifestyle is to ensure you CAN actually do that — you have enough energy, vitality, health and zest, enough enthusiasm and passion, enough drive. And believe it or not MOST of it comes from what you eat and your other lifestyle choices.

The point of your nutrition is to give you maximum energy for WHATEVER you want to do in life, to make sure you look, feel and perform the best on all levels!

The purpose of your nutrition and training is not a meaningless pursuit of MORE or more hard-core — that’s not why I’m always working on my nutrition and challenge myself in the gym.

Know your purpose, when you make food and training choices.

I’m training to improve my cardio-vascular fitness, my strength and my body composition and to live the longest, and now to win Sports Model competition this April. That’s why I’m challenging myself, but not the point where my long-term health is compromised.

I eat the way I do to afford this kind of challenging training but also to have all the energy and drive I need to perform best in life.

And these two factors are equally important to me.

My best simple super delicious and healthy keto plate

Understand why YOU train and what’s the purpose of YOUR nutrition.

Again. The purpose of your nutrition is NOT to fast the longest, eat fewer meals or, on the other side of the spectrum, to eat the most crap you can get away with without getting dangerously fat, obese and unhealthy.

The purpose of training is NOT to burn calories to eat more calories of crap — THAT IS STUPID WASTE OF YOUR TIME, ENERGY AND HEALTH. — I couldn’t stress that enough!

What’s your purpose? Why do you eat the way you eat? Why do you train? Do you want to improve your health? Get more energy? Look and feel awesome, because you know your life gets exponentially more awesome because of that? Do you want to become more athletic? Stronger? Fitter? Leaner? Or do you train to just support your optimum health, that is also a legitimate and great reason to do that?

There is no recipe that works for all. Not in training. Not on your plate. Not in life.

What’s YOUR purpose?

Don’t follow me, or ANYONE blindly, without knowing their purpose, asking them WHY?, without knowing yours, without understanding your unique situation.

But KETO is still the SH*T, no matter what’s your purpose.

This week for 5 days I’ll be trying one new recipe from this book, mastering further my keto lifestyle. Stay tuned and follow along!

The Easy 5-Ingredient Ketogenic Diet Cookbook

Want to see what I’m eating these days to get ready to win Sports Model Competition April 28th in New Jersey (IPL)?

Follow me on MyFitnessPal and Instagram to see EXACTLY what I’m eating, what supplements I’m taking.

And till next time — live as A Better Self Daily!

