Vegan Red Thai Curry

Paula G
Food equals Health
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2018

Hello lovely people, it’s been a while since I’ve last posted! I guess I was too concentrated on my food I would always forget to take pictures 😅

This time around though you’re in luck! I’ve documented my latest meal that my boyfriend had the idea of making: Vegan Red Thai Curry


  • 2 bell peppers
  • 3 heads of baby Bok Choy
  • Portobello mushroom caps
  • Kale stems (4–5)
  • 1 white onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Red Curry Paste (Thai Kitchen brand — gluten free)
  • Coconut milk (1 can — try to find the Lite version of the brand of your choice, it’s still more thick than regular coconut milk but isn’t as dense as the ones that are regular)

Step 1: Chop the peppers in long thing slices and put them on medium heat in olive oil

Step 2: Prepare those shroomies — baste them in a bit of olive oil and dehydrate the caps by seasoning the gills with some salt. Once that’s done just pop them in the oven for around 25–30 minutes at 350 degrees F.

Step 3: wash your kale and baby bok choy leaves and then add them into your peppers! For the kale, you can chose to leave the stems or not (we left them in since they add a nice bit of crunch).

Step 4: Chop 1 white onion and 2 cloves of garlic and add them into the pan. Close the lid to let all the aromas stay within and set in the veggies.

Step 5: You can chose how much Red Thai paste you want to add in, it wasn’t too spicy so we had added in around 1–2 Tbsp! Also, in this step you can add in your coconut milk to help melt the paste without burning. Your mix should have a nice soup-like texture. Keep in mind for this meal it’s eaten like a chunky soup so leave your forks at home!

Step 6: Once your veggie mix is alllll done your mushroom caps will be jealous and want to join in on the fun. Take them out of the oven and set your plate with either the cap facing up or down for some photo aesthetics ;) I thought the gill faced upwards was a bit nicer … what do you think haha?

Step 7: On the side we had made some guac that we scooped up with celery sticks! For the guac we used 3 avocadoes, a few cilantro leaves, lemon juice 1 tbsp., pepper, salt, and finely chopped cucumber.

And voila ! That’s it :) Super simple right? It was! and I really hope you guys try it out and enjoy it just as much as I did. There’s definitely more than one way to make this meal too so if you want to add in some white fish or different veggies do it ! Let me know how it goes :)

Written By: Paula Giannone



Paula G
Food equals Health

I love writing and I am currently on my health & wellness journey! I'll be posting all sorts, stay tuned :) insta ➡️miss_keto9