The 7 Absurd Myths Of Fasting

Dr. Stephanie Estima
Food equals Health
Published in
10 min readNov 13, 2017


The Science Behind Why And How Fasting Works

NOTE: This article is 2,495 words. If you want the simple quickstart to fasting as a PDF download, get it right here. It’s free.

We have all heard the noise…

“You need to be eating 5–6x per day”.

“Eating throughout the day revs up that metabolism”

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”

Have you ever stopped to wonder where these beliefs come from?

Maybe I’m weird, but I like to ask questions so that I better understand things. One of my favourite questions is…


WHY should we eat 5–6x/day?

WHY is breakfast the MOST important meal?

WHY does eating constantly rev up metabolic activity?

When you actually dig into the data, none of these statements are supported by this little thing I like to call ‘evidence’.

In fact, when you dig in, you will likely find the opposite is true….we DO NOT need to be eating 5x/day, the most important meal is NOT immediately after waking, and constant eating impairs our ability to use fat as fuel, and it causes long term hormonal imbalances.

