Novice Keto IntrođŸ„‘

Paula G
Food equals Health
Published in
6 min readFeb 25, 2018

When lent was just around the corner, I came to the decision that I was going to start the Ketogenic Diet; which is basically where all the fun carbs go to die.

  • Keto in a nutshell: The diet enables the body to burn fat rather than carbohydrates (the energy source of carbs= glucose).

The body fuels itself on either glucose or fats – so when the body is using fat as fuel it produces Ketones – which is why it is called the Keto Diet 💭

The benefits of Keto are endless, and I’ll post about those soon! However, the main purpose of my Keto journey was not only for weight loss (a pretty nice benefit) rather, to have and maintain a better connection with the true nature of my body and mind. On a Keto diet, you have a better sense of clarity and focus without all the daily fatigue crashes and groggy, unstable mood swings that carbs have your body falling into. This can truly affect your perception of your daily experience with life - which is inevitably how you end up viewing the world. And I wanted to view the world as a positive experience.

So, if you’re in a strict Keto (what I was setting out to do) your carb intake is 20g & less per DAY. Just for reference, your standard bagel at breakfast can contain between 50–60g of carbs. Challenge accepted.

I aim for 80% Fats, 15% Protein, and 5% Carbs ..

Step 1: Figuring out what was Keto appropriate đŸ€“

So all breads and pastas were a no go, and I could forget about cake. Well then 
 what carbs were okay ?

Most people aren’t aware that fruits, although healthy, can be fairly rich in carbs. A few examples (per 100g);

  • 1 banana 🍌 ~23g carbs
  • 1 apple. 🍎 ~ 13g carbs
  • 1 orange 🍊 ~ 12g carbs
  • Dates .. a whopping 76g !

Now I know what you’re thinking – Paula has not only lost almost all her carbs, but she’s done lost her mind too.

But just when all hope was lost, I realised that 80% of my diet needed to consist of fats 
 healthy fats that were going to keep me full & fueled throughout the day 😈 Bring on the Oils, Avo & Babybel !

So here’s what I could eat without thinking twice about sneaky carbs:

Keto friendly food groups (

Now this is a very vanilla picture but it does a nice job of demonstrating the simplicity & variety of Keto — natural healthy fats like butter/olive oil, meats, seafood, eggs, avocados, cheeses, and vegetables that grow above ground [less starchy therefore less carbs per gram]. Yes — vegetables still contain carbs so remember, this isn’t about having 0g of carbs!

Step 2: Meal Prepping

“Organization is the key to success” — my dad

Those non-globally famous words rang true when they were spoken to me a few weeks before a big university exam, and they still ring true now. Prepare the best you can in advance for your goals, and they’re most likely to fruition that way.

What works for me is only meal prepping for 2–3 days in advance (breakfast & lunch). I’ve tried doing the “same meal for 5 days” in the past, and by day 4 I was more fed up of my lunch than Tom Hanks was in Cast Away eating raw fish on that island he was stranded on for 5 years. Meal prepping might seem like it takes hours and steals your entire night away, but it doesn’t — to many people’s surprise. Try it out and you’ll see, the investment will actually save you time.

Step 3: Monitor (to the best that you can)

Brief summary of how to test for Ketone levels

There are ways to monitor your body and observe if you are in a state of Ketosis (breathalyser tests, blood samples, and Keto strips). Right now I use Keto strips, which is mostly useful for those just beginning since your body will urinate out most of the excess Ketones. As you adapt, you can still be in Ketosis and the Keto strip will show otherwise, so don’t be fooled! Your body is just becoming a pro at utilizing Ketones efficiently. Once I level up and get to that stage, I’ll let you know how I manage. But for now, peeing on a little strip is the way to go! I know, it sounds soooo extraaaa
 but hey, if you’ve always wanted to feel like a mini nurse observing a sample and being all doctory now’s your chance. Also, if you’re just starting and watching your carbs closely you’ll probably know if you’re in Ketosis because chances are you’ll feel the shift in your mental clarity and daily endurance.

Step 4: Know the Breakdown

So although Keto sounds like the best diet ever (right?!?!) there’s a nice science behind it. As you know, the body produces Ketones during Ketosis. So what are these little guys flowing through you now?

Ketones: the by-products the body produces when breaking down fat for energy

There are 3 main types of Ketones:

1- Acetoacetate (AcAc)

2- Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB)

3- Acetone

Types of Ketone Bodies

Don’t fret — I’m not about to turn this into a Chemistry 101 course. But it is interesting to understand the science that the body is experiencing. With all these diet fads out there we get so focused on the foods and the portions, but we never truly understand what the body itself is experiencing and the metabolic changes it undergoes during these shifts we make go through. Most people never experience a state of Ketosis due to our naturally high carb intake, so beginners need to understand that this is quite an unfamiliar metabolic state.

There is such a thing called a “Keto Flu”, which is the body’s way of politely screaming WTF once your start removing carbs from the routine. This can include: initial brain fog, mood swings, constipation, sugar cravings, and a few more less enthralling temporary side effects. The duration of a Keto flu is usually only the first few days of transition, so once your body gets over the “withdrawal” of excess carbs, you’ll be feeling 100%. Personally, my own side effects were slight muscle cramps in my legs and sugar cravings. Be sure to stay hydrated & get those electrolytes! As with anything in life, the first steps are usually the hardest — so keep your chin up and smile, because you’ll be doing your body a well deserved favor in the long run.

Step 5: Have Fun

I’m having a blast so far! And there’s no reason why you shouldn’t either. There are many ways to get around your current favourite carb-induced foods, and healthier substitutes will actually surprise you. My boyfriend and I often cook/make sweets together, which is one of my favourite things to do. So naturally, we made Keto friendly black BEAN chocolate cookies and they’re quite possible the best cookies I’ve ever eaten in my life (Yes I did eat one during breakfast the next day).

Miammmmm ❀

To know that I can whole heartedly enjoy these healthier recipes, and look forward to making them, is quite eye-opening. We’re often so trapped in our “trusted” routines, we forget that possibilities are endless! So don’t be scared to let go of what you know and adopt different lifestyle changes (always healthy both mentally & physically please). Yes — it takes work, hard work. But it’s fun!

Let me know if you take on the Keto lifestyle ! You can reach out with any questions, we’ll learn together :)

Taken from

Written by: Paula Giannone.



Paula G
Food equals Health

I love writing and I am currently on my health & wellness journey! I'll be posting all sorts, stay tuned :) insta âžĄïžmiss_keto9