Its the little things…

When “What if’s…” turn into “Job complete.”

Trevor Crum
Food Is Passion
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2013


I wouldn’t call it worrying (although some would), but I feel like it is more for security for preparedness. Just working in the kitchen for years makes one “worry”, not just about that day and that service, but the day after and potentially after that. Its not if I have that mise en place (prep) but enough to do the next days, and do I need to order more? Does someone else use it? How much do they use? Did the order it? Now multiply this by the 50-plus items each station uses. That’s one of the many things that keeps me up at night.
Its all in the details. You can tell how much pride one has by looking at the details, the little things. Do they take that extra step, not necessary, but noticeable to make whatever it is they are doing that much better. The truly passionate are the ones with the pride to carry them to want to be perfect or the best, yet humble enough to not be “over” a person or task. To the passionate, the little things tend to become big things. Every step must be taken, every step is now important.
A couple “rules” to keep in the back of your head…

1. If there is a doubt whether it should be done or not; do it.
2. Someone is always paying attention, if things get missed, it will get noticed. The little things do add up.
3. Don’t do the little things for them, do them for you. Take pride.
4. Did I mention to take pride, and after that take pride, and later, take some more pride in every little thing you do, but just stay humble.

Speaking of humble…

Time and time again I read about ratings and reviews regarding restaurants. Some chefs make it big and can handle the pressure. Some can’t, because the stress is real.

For example,

Now I’m not saying this is the only rating system that matters or doesn’t matter. Because they all don’t matter to me in a sense of going out to eat, but in a sense of people coming to me to eat. That’s why the little things matter, because you cook for you, but you serve for the guest. Big difference. I feel like when I cook, all up until the final micro green touches the plate, its a work of art for me, but the second the plate is finished, its all for the guest. Pride, yet humbled.

Yet another example,

I feel like there is a mixture of pride, passion, and a humbling element is a great equation that equals drive. Always be thankful, and remember, you’re ultimately cooking for someone else’s happiness, don’t be selfish, rather selfless.

