Mindful Eating

Understanding Hunger and Fullness Cues

Maybe you don’t eat because you’re hungry

Wahyuni Sapri
Food Newz
Published in
6 min readFeb 16, 2023


Understanding Hunger and Fullness Cues
Image by Author

Figuring out if you’re hungry can be confusing. Like, is it actual hunger or just boredom? Emotions or some other thing?

I’m a person who runs away to comfort food when I’m under a lot of stress. I also often buy a lot of food just because I see it after watching a TV show or smell it from my next-door neighbor.

I was feeling fine until I got close to 30. I realized something was wrong with my diet.

When I’m under a lot of stress, I tend to overeat. On the other hand, when I get completely absorbed in work, I often forget to eat altogether. Both of them are bad.

However, your body is pretty clever because two particular hormones give signals you need to eat and when it’s time to stop.

Leptin tells you when you’re full, while ghrelin tells you when to eat to keep your energy levels up.

Unfortunately, many things can make you ignore when your tummy is growling or when you’re stuffed.

So, we must be critical about what hunger and feeling full mean and how they go down in your body.

Am I hungry?

