🎉 First Food Shift newsletter, ever!

Everyone likes newsletters, right!? Of course Food Shift should have one as well. Welcome to this very first edition! 💥🎉

Kristofer Lund
Food Shift
4 min readNov 4, 2019



  • Learning Lab #1 i Göteborg 9e November
  • Project Kitchens
  • Support Food Shift
  • News and Links from our networks
  • Get in there!

🎉 Learning Lab #1 — Our first ever public event is taking place 9th November in Göteborg.

Gothenburg, Framtidsveckan, November 9th

On Saturday the 9th during ‘Framtidsveckan’ Food Shift is together with Studiefrämjandet Göteborg arranging Learning Lab #1. The focus for the day is about how to shift our food system from being a part of the global crisis that we can see now, to being a driving force for solutions.

As tools and perspectives for this transformation we are using Regeneration and Bioregionalism. One is ‘trending’ in Sweden now, the other is virtually unknown. Let’s change that.

We have chosen to make it a learning lab co-created with the participants since we believe that this emerging field of regeneration och bioregionalism is depended on personal relations, new initiatives and coalitions.

For the invitation, go here: 🎟 https://foodshift-lab-1.confetti.events/

🍳 Join the project kitchen!

We are testing an online “mutual support format” called Project Kitchen, a method borrowed from Enspiral.

The format brings together a small number of people who have projects they would like assistance with and puts one project at a time under the spotlight for around 25 minutes. Generally 3–4 projects can be covered in a 2-hour Kitchen. A Chef facilitates; with the role of creating an atmosphere of trust, keeping things rolling, and avoiding wasting time through the process.

If you have a project and need assistance (of any kind), please rsvp on the links below. First date is open theme, the second is more focused on mushrooms & funghi.

📆 Nov 13th: Open theme
📆 Nov 20th: Mushrooms & Funghi

💸 Support Food Shift

Food Shift is mostly running on passion and herbal tea. But, there are costs we cannot avoid. The video conferencing tool Zoom is one of them. We are currently looking to fund our own Zoom account to use for many of our activities including the Project Kitchens, group meetings etc. In order to be able to fund this we would need at least 3 more people supporting our open collective. Is that you sending us €5 per month?!

💰💰 Contribute here! 💰💰

🗞 News and Links!

Support Swedish agroforestry documentary

Leva inom planetgränserna, Del 2 — Agroforestry

Support the crowdfunding campaign trying to make visible the great work undertaken in the magical Pyttmyra food forest near Stjärnsund, Dalarna. Help our friends make this documentary a reality and show the way for biodiversity and new ecologies of food in our northern climate!

Link to Kickstarter Campaign >

How does regeneration look anyway?

From the Ground Up is a short documentary and a comprehensive journey through a variety of landscapes and regenerative farming techniques. Read more >

The solution to global warming is right beneath our feet

According to the Rodale Institute, we could sequester more than 100% of current annual CO2 emissions if we converted all global croplands and pastures to regenerative organic agriculture. Read more >

A map for the Global Food System — Yes it’s complex

A diagram (infographic) that provides an overview of the actors and flows that make up the global food system. Developed in the context of the Future of Food and Farming project, UK Government Office for Science (2011). Read more >

The War on Sensemaking

Interview where Rebel Wisdom explores together with Daniel Schmachtenberger — What can we trust? Why is the ‘information ecology’ so damaged, and what would it take to make it healthy? Read more >

Bioregions — Notes On A Design Agenda

“..when it comes to binding diverse groups together around a common agenda, something more is needed. We need a compelling story, and a shared purpose, that people can relate to, and support, whatever their other differences. For me, a strong candidate for that connective idea is the bioregion.” -John Thackara. Read more >

Big Food is banking on regenerative agriculture

Big corporations such as General Mills, Danone, Kellogg, and Nestlé, among other Big Food corporations, say they’re investing in environmentally friendly practices such as rebuilding biodiversity and eliminating deforestation. Green washing or genuine ambition? Read more >

👫 Get in there!

There are many ways to start fusing with the Food Shift network, here are some of the spaces where you can come and play.

foodshift.se — The main place for discussions and the place you can get a overview.
Handbook — This handbook documents how we run things together
Media Library — Regenerative links, texts, videos

Food Shift on Slack — Our channel for realtime chat.

Food Shift on Medium — Occasionally we write. Start with this piece by Viktor Zaunders: A Food Shift Ecology.

Food Shift on Facebook

Food Shift on Twitter

That’s it for now, see you next time!
/ 🌱 Viktor
/ 🌱 Marcus
/ 🌱 Kristofer



Kristofer Lund
Food Shift

Local food advocate, amateur vegetable grower, entrepreneur, advisor & consultant. Food Shift co-creator. Repair, recreate, rebuild, regenerate.