Newsletter 2019–11–15

Kristofer Lund
Food Shift
Published in
5 min readNov 18, 2019

Hi Food Shifter!

The last week or so we did a successful event in Gothenburg, held a really fun online networking session, read lots of articles, wrote an blog post and planned for more.

Did you know we have applied for funding and are awaiting Jordbruksverkets decision? The funding would be for a six month project studying cooperatively run food hubs and buyers clubs. As outcome we have planned for a website, a handbook — how to start a buyers club, workshops, videos and conference talks. More info on that here >

Now, on to the newsletter…



  • Learning Lab #1 — Regenerative Food Systems and Bioregionalism
  • Project Kitchen #2 — Mushrooms & Fungi
  • Blog: The Importance of Local Food, part 1: Dismantling of Distance and Time
  • News and Links!

🧪 Learning Lab #1 — Regenerative Food Systems and Bioregionalism

Last Saturday we met up in Gothenburg for a full day learning lab on the topics of Regenerative Food Systems and Bioregionalism. Great fun, lots of networking, good food and a bunch of fresh ideas on how to shift the food system. We started the day with great talks by:

Full presentations can be found here (mostly in Swedish):

🥘 Project Kitchen #2 — Mushrooms & Fungi

📆 November 20th, 16:00 CET — Online Zoom Call

Lets have a conversation around Fungi! Are you or would you like to grow mushrooms or mycelium? What are your interests and questions right now and is there something you are excited to share with other fungofiles?

What’s a project kitchen? It’s something we’ve borrowed from Enspiral and explaned like this:

“The format brings together a small number of people who have projects they would like assistance with and puts one project at a time under the spotlight for around 25 minutes. Generally 3–4 projects can be covered in a 2-hour Kitchen. A Chef facilitates; with the role of creating an atmosphere of trust, keeping things rolling, and avoiding wasting time through the process.”

This seminar might be in english as we hope to have at least one international speaker in the group. Victor Zaunders will facilitate the event.

🎟🎟 Five seats only, register here 🎟🎟


🗞 Blog — The Importance of Local Food, part 1: Dismantling of Distance and Time

Kristofer Lund published an article in the Food Shift blog on Medium. The article is part one in an article series looking at why local food is one of the most important tools for reversing climate change and finding the Purpose of Life/Living Happily Ever After.

“The physical distance to the place where our food is produced strengthens an instrumental view of nature as a resource for humanity to use and exploit. We have a much harder time relating to what is far away and “out of sight” than to what we see and interact with on a daily basis. The geographical separation — the actual distance — also gives birth to a feeling of separation and one of dissociation.”

Full article here >

🗞 News and Links!

Support Local Food Nodes — A direct-sales App for small farmers

The campaign aims to fund further developent of customized, open-source tools for local, small-scale food producers to meet the market on their terms. In short, the project will build a mobile app (Local Food App) where small-scale food producers can reach consumers without intermediaries or loss of revenue. The campaign aims to finance a new and improved version of the app so it will be easier to access local food in fair conditions around the world.

Link to Kickstarter campaign > (ends November 24th)

The RegenNarration — Changing Paradigms Over a Lifetime

From industrial era to solar age, with the legendary Hazel Henderson. Complexity, cognitive blindness, ethical markets, salt tolerant crops as a game changer. This fascinating conversation covers a lot of ground. (Podcast) Read more >

Nurturing vital diversity & resilience: Scaling out, rather than scaling-up!

“Of course we need to find a way that regenerative practice and careful restoration of healthy ecosystems functions spreads from community to community and bioregion to bioregion to reach global impact as quickly as possible. We need to reach scale, but not by scaling-up!” (Daniel Christian Wahl) Read more >

Seeds of Bioregional Regeneration

The Earth has an innate capacity to support life. The seeds of regeneration for this special planet lay dormant in its pathway of cosmological development that included being at just the right distance from the Sun, having a companion Moon to mix the oceans, and other key factors that gave rise to complex life. (Joe Brewer) Read more >

“Hidden hunger” is a reality for many, and diabetes and obesity are on the rise

Our food is less nutritious than ever. It doesn’t have to stay that way. Soil holds the key. Organic and regenerative organic farming practices make soil health a priority. Healthier soil grows healthier plants, and healthier plants are more nutritious plants. (Rodale Institute) Read more >

An altered planetary anatomy

New study publish in Nature by Stockholm Resilience Center. “Farming, forestry and fisheries are changing the anatomy of the biosphere. This makes us all more vulnerable to new types of global risks that will affect the long-term ability to provide food, fibres and fuel to a growing and wealthier human population.” (Stockholm Resilience Center) Read more >

Get in there!

There are many ways to start fusing with the Food Shift network, here are some of the spaces where you can come and play. — The main place for discussions and the place you can get a overview.
Handbook — This handbook documents how we run things together
Media Library — Regenerative links, texts, videos

Food Shift on Slack — Our channel for realtime chat.

Food Shift on Medium — Occasionally we write.

Food Shift on Facebook

Food Shift on Twitter



Kristofer Lund
Food Shift

Local food advocate, amateur vegetable grower, entrepreneur, advisor & consultant. Food Shift co-creator. Repair, recreate, rebuild, regenerate.