Egg Kejriwal — Story behind the name!

Akshay Chauhan
Food Stalking
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2017

Other than our famous Chief Minister — Arvind Kejriwal, the name Kejriwal is also associated with a very famous dish named — Egg Kejriwal.

Do you know the history behind the name of this famous dish?

Is it really named after our beloved Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal? Well, No!

Its said that there was a man named Devi Prasad Kejriwal who liked eggs but his family were strict vegetarians. Kejriwal was a popular in the club and since he couldn’t get his favorite eggs at home, he had it in the club his way. It was a toast and a fried egg sprinkled with spicy green chilies as he liked spicy food.

Egg Kejriwal

You may even make this dish at your home as well. It’s absolutely delicious.

Recipe — Egg Kejriwal Recipe

This dish could be served in Breakfast, Brunch or during evening snacks.

Like most classic dishes that have a cult following, the ‘Eggs Kejriwal’ is as brilliant as it is simple. How more simple can it get than eggs, cheese and bread. And it’s wonderfully put together with a healthy and Indian dose of crisp green chillies.

Check out more Egg Recipes on FoodStalking.

