Sustainable Farming and Agriculture

~ our only future ~

Restaurant Wholesomeness
3 min readSep 28, 2015


Eatosophy believes that sustainable farming and agricultural practices can provide excellent quality of food for us, profitability for small-scale farmers and a clean, healthy planet proudly delivered to the future generations.

Agriculture and farming practices have changed dramatically since WWII due to the advent of new technologies, mechanization, petrochemical pesticides and government policies that favor mass production. The current farming and agriculture model has radically changed our world from a social, environmental and health perspective. The numbers of family farms — which can produce healthy food-, have dwindled dramatically and been swallowed by massive, heavily subsidized farming operations. The decline of family farms has inevitably caused economic and social disintegration in rural communities. ​Food produced in such large quantities is also inherently unhealthful and the impact on the environment is extensive. Topsoil depletion, from super-intensive agriculture and groundwater contamination, from inappropriately managed farming waste, are the most prominent problems. Most farm laborers work in poor working conditions, in increasingly toxic environments, where hundreds or thousands of animals are permanently confined. Finally, large farming operations face ​increasing costs of production, all of which are eventually paid by the consumer. Moving away from this unsustainable paradigm is critical for the survival of humans, animals and our planet.

What is sustainable farming / agriculture?

Sustainability relies on the efficient management and long-term preservation of natural resources. Sustainable agriculture produces healthful food without assaulting nature and compromising the potential of future generations to thrive. In fact, according to the Grace Economics Foundation, all areas involving human, environmental and animal wellbeing are positively affected by sustainable farming and agriculture practices. ​Sustainable farming and agriculture does not support the current mass production model in any way. Instead, it depends on the existence of many small farming operations, a model which allows for healthy food to be produced, animals to be raised in an ethical way and proper waste management, while keeping the costs of production down, without compromising the health of communities or the consumer. Sustainable solutions emphasize the local and regional aspects of economy and production, rather than hyper-inflated, national or international industrial operations, which aim to serve the shareholders, rather than the people.

Food production should never come at the expense of human health.

Sustainable crop farms grow fruits and vegetables that are safer for consumers, workers, and surrounding communities because they avoid hazardous pesticides and toxic chemicals. In a similar manner, sustainable livestock farmers raise animals without using hormones, daily sub-therapeutic doses of antibiotics, or arsenic-based growth promoters. Naturally, sustainable farms produce animal-derived products of premium quality with upgraded nutritional profiles. Also, by practicing careful and responsible management of livestock waste, sustainable farms protect humans from exposure to pathogens, toxins, and other hazardous pollutants.

  • Protection of the environment

Sustainable farms produce crops and raise animals without relying on toxic chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified seeds, or practices that degrade soil, water, or other natural resources. By growing a variety of plants and using traditional agricultural methods such as crop rotation and pasture-based livestock husbandry, sustainable farms protect biodiversity and foster the development and maintenance of healthy ecosystems.

  • Strengthening of communities

Sustainable farms support local and regional economies by creating good jobs and building strong communities. Sustainable farming and agriculture operations remain economically viable, while providing farmers, farmworkers and others professionals employed in the food system with a livable wage and safe, fair working conditions.

  • Improved animal welfare

In sustainable farms, animals are treated with care and respect. Eatosophy believes that this is the ethical and moral thing to do. Implementation of livestock husbandry practices protects animals’ health and wellbeing. Animals raised exclusively on pasture, can move freely, interact with each other, engage in instinctive behaviors, consume a natural diet, and avoid the stress and illness associated with confinement.​


  1. Grace Economics Foundation. Sustainable agriculture: the basics. Available online at:
  2. University of California, Agricultural Sustainability Institute. What is Sustainable Agriculture? Available online at:

In collaboration with Eleni Roumeliotou, a clinical nutritionist, geneticist and founder of Primal Baby.



Restaurant Wholesomeness

Eatosophy is a Healthy Restaurant Analysis and Discovery Tool