How To Make American Pancakes At Home T
Final Look of Pancake

How To Make American Pancakes At Home

Ibrar khan
Homemade Food and Recipes
6 min readJun 28, 2020


Today I am going to show you how to make American pancakes at home that is both delicious an restaurant quality as well, without too much effort and time.

Its 2020’s worse lock-down period and I am not going to risk my children eat anything taken away from restaurants or bakeries. I will cook these homemade American pancakes more hygienically, to the level of my satisfaction.

The recipe is much more simple than I thought it would be and it takes only 5–6 major ingredients that are easily available at home. I will show how to make american pancake mix and that is the most important part.

The ingredients are based on preference, the number of people you want to serve. So I am going to serve at-least 4 people in my home including my two children, my wife and me. If you are also wondering how make american pancakes , i am here to educate you to the best of my knowledge.

The important question that i am going to answer that people ask me is how thick should american pancake batter be , and i am going to answer it.


american pancake recipe
  1. 2 Cups of All Purpose flour
  2. 2 Large Size Eggs.
  3. Baking Powder 1 Sachet
  4. Half Cup of sugar
  5. Cooking Oil
  6. Yogurt ½ Cup
  7. 400 ml of Milk
  8. Salt

Lets Start

american pancakes
Separating Two Egg White

I will take a plastic mixing bowl and pour these two eggs in it.

For now I will take only egg white and remove the yellow portion.

Yes we will add egg yellow later as well. While breaking eggs make sure you don’t bring in the egg shells or it will ruin the recipe.

how to make american pancakes
Meshing/Mixing Egg White

In the next step I am going to use electric hand mixer to mesh up all the egg white so that its texture becomes uniform.

This is important if you want the other ingredients to integrate with the egg properly.

If someone asks me how to make american pancake batter , my answer is the mixture making part, the better you mix the mixture, the best pancake is going to taste.

american pancakes recipe
Adding Sugar

While shaking the egg white with a mixer, gradually add half cup of sugar.

Don’t pour in all the sugar at once so that it mixes well.

For more convenience you can grind the sugar before adding it to egg white, that way its going to be the less effort to mix it out.

american pancakes
Mixing Egg Yellow

Now is the time to add egg yellow one by one to the mixture we have till now. Again I will mix it using hand mixer.

Its preferred to use hand mixer, but if you don’t have it , you can use fork, although it will take some time to mix but still it works.

The more you mix material properly, the more uniform texture you will get and you will produce a restaurant quality homemade American pancake.

Now the time is to add all the liquid materials at once

First I will pour in all the milk to pancake material.

american pancakes recipe
Adding Milk

Next I will add ½ cup yogurt in it

american pancakes bbc

Now I am going to add the cooking oil in it.

are pancakes american

Based on my preference I am going to select the minimum speed at my hand mixer, so that pancake mixture doesn’t shake to level it gets out of the bowl and spread everywhere on my kitchen table.

how make american pancakes

Now I will want to add the major ingredient which is flour.

how to make american pancake mix
Adding general purpose flour

Note: I am using all purpose flour which is best for making pancakes as it has moderate percentage of protein or gluten and that is why it is best suited for true pancakes as it makes it airy and light.

american pancakes
Adding a pinch of salt

Now add salt, i know its a bit controversial to add salt, but believe me it going to taste better.

This part is important, add the salt based on your preference, I am doing to add a pinch of it, as my wife is having blood pressure issue. I don’t want to give her a big dose of it.

As far as the baking powder is concerned, I will add a small baking powder sachet, that contains the amount well suited for a medium size pancake material.

american pancakes recipe 1 egg
Mixing backing powder

This time i will mix it without using electric hand mixer, using a plastic mixing stick.

american pancakes recipe uk
Mixing with plastic stick

Now the cooking part, i am going to put the pan on an my Induction Cooker Hob Stove because this is what available to me. Of-course you can use normal stove. I am taking it to maximum heat for now and will move to low heat.

Make sure you grease the pan with a bit of oil so that material doesn't stick to the pan base.

american pancakes for one
greasing pan with oil

I will pour in pancake mixture in the pan and a round circular shape and it would be 5 Inch across. I am lowering down the temperature to moderate level.

american pancakes recept
Cooking pancake

When it appears that bubbles starts coming out, flip the pancake to other side, and cook it for the same amount of time.

how thick should american pancake batter be
Flipping Other Side

So now is the time to answer how thick should american pancake batter be. Pancake should be 1/4 inch thick.

Now i cooked around 11 cakes and staked them on top of each other. I would love to serve it with strawberry on top of it and sprinkle some chocolate topping on it. Its ready to eat.

How To Make American Pancakes At Home T
Pan cake ready to eat

Question: Are pancakes american ?

The term pancake came into existence in 15th century but started becoming more popular in 19th century in America. Before that it also existed but with different names like hoe cakes, johnnycakes, buckwheat cakes, journey cakes and Indian cakes.

Question: how many calories in one american pancake?

One 5 Inch across pancake contains 2–3 grams of protein, 93 calories, 0 grams of fiber, 15 gm of carbohydrate and 2 grams of sugar.



Ibrar khan
Homemade Food and Recipes

I am pet lover, writer, and love to hike. I have two cute daughters.