The Definitive Guide to Caster Sugar (2020)

Carl Sabounjian
Published in
5 min readAug 10, 2020

In this short article I’m going to answer the following:

  1. What is Caster Sugar
  2. What’s the difference between caster and granulated sugar?
  3. Where does caster sugar come from?
  4. Where can you find caster sugar?
  5. How can you make caster sugar?
  6. Are Caster Sugar and Icing Sugar the Same?
  7. In Conclusion

But before we start…

Caster sugar has different names.

These are what you can find in common kitchen terminology:

  • Powdered Sugar
  • Confectionery Sugar
  • Icing sugar
  • Bakers Sugar
  • Superfine Sugar
  • Bar Sugar

At the end of this post, I’m going to give away the best recipe you can find on the internet to make English Sponge Cake that others hesitate to giveaway.

So lets keep reading.

What is Caster Sugar

Simply, its a more fine type of sugar in between granulated and powdered sugar.

It is often used when baking and a topping as seen on many different cakes, cookies and more.

Caster Sugar also blends, melts, and mixes more evenly when being baked.

Here is a use case.

Use Caster sugar to beat air into ingredients like when whipping egg whites for a cake or meringue, whipped cream, or for frostings.

Here is an awesome Guide on its functions by Baker Bettie.

What’s the difference between caster and granulated sugar?

The difference between the two well known types of sugar is the particle size.

Household sugar is approximately 400 microns where as caster sugar is 50 microns.

Actual Size of a Caster Sugar Grain

This means that the sugar dissolves faster, blends and whips easier much more like mentioned above.

Here is more information on its Grain size.

Now want to know where its from?

Keep reading to find out.

Where does caster sugar come from?

Sugar has many different origins, there are 121 current countries that manufacture sugar.

Most sugar comes from the tall sugar cane.

Natural Sugar Cane Trees

The sugar cane resembles the bamboo cane and needs approximately 12 months to grow in the right weather.

Typical sugar content for a mature cane would yield 10% by weight but the figure depends on variety and varies from season to season and location to location.

The yield of cane from the field varies considerably but a rough and ready overall value to use in estimating sugar production is 100 tons of cane per hectare or 10 tons of sugar per hectare.

This is a real harvest of sugar canes.

After a Sugar Cane tree is harvested.

The other form of sugar comes from sugar beet, mostly found in northern countries.

Sugar Beet in raw state.

A typical sugar content for mature beets is 17% by weight but also varies from year to year and from location to location.

Substantially more than the sucrose content of a mature cane but the yield from beets per hectare are lower than cane and so the expected sugar production is approximately 7 tons per hectare.

Where can you find caster sugar?

In the United States it is not used by bakers very often, which makes it a bit hard to find already grinded down.

In the UK it is more readily available because it is used more in baking cakes and cookies.

In the United States you will most likely find them in specialty food stores.

Otherwise you may want to check out your local spice and food dealer market near you.

How can you make caster sugar?

Yes you can make the sugar from home if your a home baker using ordinary sugar from the supermarket.
You can do so using the following machinery:

  • Blender
  • Food Processor
  • Coffee Grinder
  • Spice Grinder

Tip: If your looking to be very precise after you blend, run the blended sugar through a strainer.

Here is how to make it at home.

Here are some companies that have domestic, semi-heavy and heavy duty processors.

  1. Kitchenaid — domestic use
  2. Robot Coupe — commercial use
  3. Mac Pan — industrial use

Are Caster Sugar and Icing Sugar the Same?


Caster sugar is not the same as icing sugar and you should not substitute these two sugars for each other.

Commercial Caster Sugar and powdered sugar (for icing) are the same thing with an additive of cornstarch to prevent caking.

Otherwise there is no difference unless you make your own powdered sugar and don’t add cornstarch.

Want to know how to make it?

Mix 1 cup granulated sugar and 1 tablespoon cornstarch in a blender or food processor at high-speed for several minutes.

In Conclusion

Caster sugar is mostly meant for baking.

Did you know that caster sugar is sold at prices that are over 20% the price of ordinary sugar?

Want to take information and turn it into opportunity?

Here is a machine by MAC PAN in which you can take ordinary sugar throw it in the large tank above and get granulated sugar below.

Commercial Sugar Grinder

It grinds from 35kg/hr — 100 kg/hr.

Allows you to control between 50–80 microns via interchangeable filter in the machine.

Feeling entrepreneurial?

I hope you enjoyed this article.

If you want the recipe to an English Sponge cake with caster sugar others hesitate giving out, then make your way over to our original blog post on caster sugar to get it.



Carl Sabounjian

Follow me for in-depth real-life experiences on foodservice operations.