FoodHack Updates: Hackathon, Workshops, Entrepreneurship & More

Arman Anaturk
4 min readAug 7, 2017


FoodHack launched over a year ago now as a passion project by Camille Bossel and I. We started FoodHack by combining our technical skills from our agency along with our love for food & drive for sustainability. The early days of FoodHack took shape as a hackathon in Geneva to reduce food waste in Switzerland where we had 50 participants and over 25 cross sector partners partake.

But following from the food hackathon we had also grown a mailing list of 600+ people hungry for more. As we’ve slowly begun to re-introduce FoodHack this year in the form of offline meetups and online content, we’ve found something interesting.

We’re becoming a hub for food & drink entrepreneurs.

Our community and events are growing and we’re seeing more food & drink entrepreneurs joining, be that founders of successful startups, new startups, local businesses, bloggers or just people with ideas, skills, degrees and the drive to work on something meaningful. We’re getting asked for more introductions, recommendations, resources and have technically skilled individuals looking for opportunities in food startups and vice versa.

Last Thursdays FoodHack Dinner with social startup Direct Coffee

We started FoodHack not knowing what the outcome would be, but right now, the future excites us.

Camille and I are both entrepreneurs at heart and love the idea of incorporating this part of our life into FoodHack whilst creating value for the ecosystem.

In order to keep this growing community engaged we plan to slowly introduce more support for the entrepreneurs in our network:

  • We’ll begin a new series named: FoodHack Highlights. A monthly article where we highlight interesting foodpreneurs and drinkpreneurs of Switzerland who are creating a better and more sustainable future.
    — Read the first interview with founders of Direct Coffee here.
  • We’ve started the Facebook group ‘Food And Drink Entrepreneurs (F.A.D.E.)’ which we hope can be a place for the community to share, promote and learn from one another.
    — Are you a food & drink entrepreneur? If yes, then join the group and participate in the conversation!
  • We’ll start hosting more events focussed on skills for food & drink entrepreneurs and inviting along successful founders to share their stories/experience.

— August: We have a middle eastern cooking class with RCMA, the Geneva based association supporting Syrian refugees — Tickets here.

— September: We’re hosting ‘Social Media For Food & Drink Entrepreneurs’ where we invite 3 social media influencers in the food & drinks field to share their story and secrets — Tickets here.

And the big reveal:

  • We’ll be hosting the second FoodHack Hackathon at the end of October. This time we’ll source challenges from existing companies in Switzerland so that participants have the support in place to continue afterwards if they wish.
    — Want to get your company involved and submit a challenge for teams to hack over the weekend? Drop me an email at and I’d be happy to discuss.

That’s all the news for August, for those following our #LausanneCookieChallenge be sure to check back next week with the results and the winning recipes. (Also a word of advice, don’t do a cookie challenge over summer, you will gain a few pounds 😉)

If you’d like to receive these updates direct to your email and get exclusive discounts to our future events, you can sign up to our monthly newsletter here.

FoodHack is a volunteer led project launched by OneRoof.Agency. If you’d like to get involved as a volunteer at one of our next meetups or host a meetup of your own, please get in contact with us through

Arman Anaturk
Co-Founder at OneRoof.Agency, Vice-president at FoodHack, organiser of Product Tank Geneva/Lausanne. Find me eating food and travelling on Instagram, sharing stuff on Twitter and not sure what exactly on Linkedin.



Arman Anaturk

Co-Founder at @1RAgency & I bring 🇨🇭 food & drink entrepreneurs together under one roof. Currently: Lausanne, Switzerland