Getting to know AIRE before it ships

Heather McLean


As we get ready to start shipping, we’d like to properly introduce everyone to AIRE. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be posting a series of updates with information about the science behind AIRE, tutorials on how to use your device and app, and more.

To start, we’d like to give you an overview of the product and what it can do.

What exactly is AIRE?

AIRE is the world’s first personal digestive tracker. One in eight people suffer from highly disruptive digestive issues, and AIRE is designed to help you figure out which foods work best with your unique digestive system.

For decades, doctors have used breath testing to determine how well patients digest certain components in their food. We’ve miniaturized the tech using new sensor technology, resulting in a pocket-sized, wireless, cost-effective device.

When foods we eat aren’t fully digested, they ferment in the gut, causing symptoms like pain, bloating and potentially diarrhea. Bacteria are feeding on the undigested food, generating small amounts of certain gases, which cross into the blood and are released when you exhale. By measuring these gases on your breath, AIRE can help you determine how well you are digesting certain food components.

Fermentation in the gut causes the release of gases, which can result in digestive symptoms. These gases are absorbed into the blood, then released when you exhale, where they can be measured.

The food components that frequently cause people digestive problems are called FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols). These include substances like lactose, fructose, sorbitol and inulin.

For more information about the science behind AIRE, visit our website.


AIRE has a number of features designed to help you identify your trouble foods and track the things affecting your digestion, including sleep and stress.

AIRE comes with sachets of four isolated FODMAPs

FODMAP tests and Food Library

AIRE comes with sachets of four natural FODMAP ingredients: lactose, fructose, sorbitol and inulin. You can test how well you digest any of these by mixing it with water, drinking it and taking a series of breath tests as you digest. This is inspired by breath testing done in hospitals. Since FODMAPs are very often a problem for people, these tests can help you better understand which FODMAPs are triggers for you.

Our food library shows you whether everyday foods are high or low in FODMAPs. In time, we plan to personalise the food library to each user based on the fermentation scores from the FODMAP tests.

In addition to FODMAP tests, you can test after everyday meals!

Everyday tracking

You can also do breath tests after regular meals to monitor your fermentation scores throughout the day. By logging your food, sleep, stress and any symptoms, over time you can track and trend how different things affect your digestion. Check out this video to see this part of the app in action!

Stay tuned for more posts that will explore FODMAPs, everyday breath testing and more.



Heather McLean

Social Media and Community Manager at FoodMarble