Low FODMAP Recipe — Citrus Courgette Cupcakes

Easter time usually means the start of warmer weather and when it’s warm I like to eat nice, light and fresh foods. These Citrus Courgette Cupcakes are perfect any time of the year but I think they’re especially appropriate for an Easter dinner table.

4 min readApr 12, 2020


This recipe comes from our in-house Registered Dietitian Niall Moloney. You can check out more of his recipes and articles on our blog here.

Courgettes (AKA zucchini) might seem like an unusual ingredient, but they give a lovely moistness to the cake, and a nice glimpse of fresh green colour in the crumb. The citrus glaze is tangy and sweet, and also helps keep the cupcakes moist and tasty for longer! These will keep for at least a week in an airtight container in your fridge. If you want to freeze them, don’t top with the glaze before freezing. When you are ready to eat them, defrost gently and top with the citrus glaze.

Low FODMAP tip: Courgettes do contain fructans however there’s less than 20g per portion so they should be tolerated by most.

If you can handle dairy, a dollop of Greek yoghurt, sour cream or whipped fresh cream on top of a cupcake is extra tasty! The cupcakes are completely dairy free.


Difficulty Rating: Medium (easy if you have a food processor to grate the courgette). All ingredients can be mixed by hand
Prep/Cooking time: 40 minutes
Serves: Makes 12 cucpakes


  1. 50 ml vegetable oil
  2. 200 g caster sugar
  3. 3 medium eggs
  4. Zest and juice of 1 lemon and 1 lime
  5. 1 medium courgette (around 200g) grated
  6. 250 g spelt flour (or gluten free flour mix)
  7. 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

For the Citrus Glaze:

  1. Zest and juice of 1 lemon and 1 lime
  2. 75g icing sugar

To serve (optional):

  1. A dollop of Greek yoghurt, sour cream or whipped fresh cream, if tolerated
  2. A grating of fresh citrus zest and/or dark chocolate


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C/ 160°C fan/ gas mark 4
  2. Fill your cupcake tray with cupcake cases
  3. In a large bowl, beat together the oil, caster sugar, and eggs until smooth
  4. Stir in the citrus zest and juice, and the grated courgette
  5. Sift in the flour and bicarbonate of soda and fold in gently
  6. Fill the prepared cupcake cases 2/3 of the way
  7. Bake for 20–25 minutes until golden, and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean
  8. Remove from the oven when done, and gently pierce all over with a toothpick or sharp knife

To make the Citrus Glaze:

  1. Mix the citrus zest and icing sugar together in a small bowl
  2. Heat the glaze gently until it’s bubbling and has reduced to a sticky texture
  3. Spoon this over the top of the hot cupcakes
  4. Store any leftover citrus glaze in a glass jar

Enjoy your Citrus Courgette cupcakes served warm or room temperature, plain or topped however you like!

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