Low FODMAP Recipe — Roasted Veg & Feta Tart

Although summer is well and truly over, I’m still in denial — so I’ve rustled up this quick and easy vegetable and feta tart to keep me going. I’ve used a gluten free pastry base and chosen toppings which are lower in FODMAPs. It’s great as a quick, easy and very tasty lunch or snack!

4 min readOct 4, 2019


This recipe comes from our in-house Registered Dietitian Niall Moloney. You can check out more of his recipes and articles on our blog here.


Difficulty Rating: Easy
Prep/ Cooking Time: 40 minutes
Serves: 4

NB: Remove your pastry from the fridge about 10–15 minutes beforehand, to allow it get to room temperature.


  1. Ready-made gluten free pastry sheet — I used this product which is widely available in the chilled aisle of most supermarkets. You can also make your own if you’d like, but that is a bit more work!
  2. 1 red pepper.
  3. Large handful of cherry tomatoes — I used approximately 20 cherry tomatoes and I used a mix of red, yellow and orange tomatoes for colour and variety.
  4. Feta cheese — I used approximately 80g crumbled over the vegetables.
  5. Basil pesto — Store bought pesto likely uses garlic which you might be trying to avoid. If you want to avoid garlic, it’s very easy to make your own pesto. Just combine fresh basil leaves, parmesan cheese, pine nuts, garlic oil and salt, and either mash together with a fork or blitz in a blender. This will keep in a jar or other sealed container in the fridge for a week and can be used with pasta, on sandwiches, with olives etc.
  6. Olive oil for roasting vegetables — you can also use garlic oil if for a bit of extra flavour if you prefer.
  7. Salt and pepper for seasoning.
  8. Green parts of spring onions (optional).
  9. Fresh basil leaves for dressing (optional).
  10. You could also optionally add some grated parmesan on top after cooking.


  1. Turn your oven to 180 C/ Gas Mark 5.
  2. Prepare the vegetables for roasting. Chop the pepper into small pieces, place on a tray and drizzle with olive oil and some salt. Place the tomatoes, whole, on a tray and drizzle with oil and salt. Place in the oven and roast for approximately 20 minutes.
  3. If you’re using the ready-made pastry sheet: Roll it out onto a baking tray (it comes with its own baking paper so just place this directly onto your tray) and lightly score a border around the edge. Prick the inside of the border with a fork multiple times. Place the pastry sheet into the oven and bake for approximately 15 minutes.
  4. If you’re using home-made pastry, roll it out on a cornflour dusted surface to your desired shape and size. Place this on a baking tray lined with baking paper and lightly score a border around the edge. Prick the inside of the border with a fork multiple times. Place the pastry sheet into the oven and bake for approximately 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the pastry from the oven and press the middle part back down with a spoon or spatula.
  6. Remove the roasted vegetables from the oven, and spread over the middle part of the pastry.
  7. Crumble the feta cheese over the vegetables.
  8. Dollop some pesto over the vegetables and cheese.
  9. If you’re using home-made pastry flour, you could optionally use an egg wash on the border to get a nice golden finish.
  10. Place back in the oven for a further 10–15 minutes until the pastry is golden and crisp.
  11. Remove from the oven and place the tart on a large plate/ chopping board. Season with salt and pepper if needed, and dress with fresh basil leaves (optional).
  12. I found it easiest to slice this with a pizza cutter before serving! Serve with a nice crisp salad, and enjoy!

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