Low FODMAP Recipe — Tomato and Cheese Omelette

Every week, some of the top foods logged on the FoodMarble app are tomatoes, eggs and cheese. So we decided to combine them the best way we know how!

3 min readNov 15, 2019


This recipe comes from our in-house Registered Dietitian Niall Moloney. You can check out more of his recipes and articles on our blog here.

Sometimes you just want to eat something really quick and tasty, that’s also easy to prepare. That’s where eggs come in. There are so many ways to prepare them, they go with pretty much anything you might have left over in your fridge, and you can have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner (maybe not all on the same day though!)

This omelette recipe is probably going to win the award for being the quickest and easiest recipe I’ll ever share with you. I’m going to throw some eggs, tomatoes and cheese together and it’s going to taste really good! You can jazz this up by including some extras like basil leaves, the green parts of spring onions, maybe a pinch of nutmeg, paprika or cayenne pepper. You could add extra vegetables like mushrooms (if you can tolerate them) or proteins like sliced ham, chicken or smoked salmon. We decided to add some nutmeg into the beaten egg — it adds a nice kick to the flavour. Trust me though, it’s very tasty as it is.


Difficulty Rating: Very easy

Serves: 1

Preparation/ Cooking time: 10 minutes


  1. 2 eggs, beaten
  2. 1 small ripe tomato (or a handful of small cherry tomatoes)
  3. Cheddar cheese (half cup, grated)
  4. Olive oil (for frying)
  5. Salt and pepper for seasoning
  6. Optional — basil leaves/ spring onions/ nutmeg/ paprika/ cayenne pepper


  1. Finely chop the tomato and add it to a bowl with the grated cheese. Add about half a tablespoon of olive oil and some salt a pepper
  2. Heat some oil in a pan and add the beaten eggs
  3. Cook the eggs to your liking
  4. Spoon the tomato and cheese mix over half of the omelette
  5. Fold the omelette over the tomato and cheese mix and leave for 20–30 seconds
  6. Slide onto a plate and serve — enjoy with a side salad or some nice buttery toast

FoodMarble AIRE is the world’s first personal hydrogen breath tester. It is a pocket-sized breath analysis device. It helps people with chronic digestive issues determine the foods that work best with their digestive system. To learn more about FoodMarble, visit foodmarble.com or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn!




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