Nation Circles

Nikola Wyatt
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2018

At FoodNation we use the community engagement and management model. The goal is to enhance the nation’s power to achieve, with more transparency and meritocracy.

With the strength of the community, we hope to have access to strategic events, media publications, better understanding of the user experience, validation of the platform, launches, and so on.

Actual circle community model


In this outer circle we are already more than 700 people who had a first contact with the idea, who want to interact with the brand, help, sell services, and so forth.


In this middle circle are present the first strategic members who are willing to collaborate punctually and thus strengthen the ties with the core team.

To enter this circle it is necessary to show interest as a stakeholder and prove to be useful for the project.


In the innermost circle, we have the most engaged and continuous members in the nation’s day-to-day lives, including founders. The most critical and strategic decisions are made in this group.

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Nikola Wyatt
Editor for

Passionate about technology and economics. Played the major role, as software architect, in the software design of a scalable logistics big company in cloud