Photo from Apple’s iOS 7 Preview

To iPhone

jason paul
2 min readMay 19, 2013

Or not to iPhone, that is the Question:

Whether ‘tis nobler in the Mind to suffer

The Slings and Arrows of Apple’s Platforms,

Or to take Android against a Sea of Gradients,

And by opposing end them: to switch, to Airplay

No more; and by switch, to say we end

The Headaches and thousand Double Taps

Multitasking’s heir to? ‘Tis a Consummation

Devoutly to be wished. To switch to Gmail,

To switch, perchance to Google+: Ay, there’s the Rub,

For in that Switch to Google, what Ads may come,

When we have shuffled from this Walled Garden,

Must give us Pause. There’s the Respect

That makes the iPhone of so long Life:

For who would bear the Whips and Scorns of iTunes,

the iCloud’s Syncing, Steve Jobs’ Contumely,

The Pangs of rejected Apps, the Review’s Delay,

The Insolence of Silence, and the Stripes

Apple’s Cut of In-App Purchases takes,

When he himself sans Jailbreak might sideload

With a bare Nexus? What would Developers bear,

To grunt and sweat under buggy Xcode,

But that the Dread of what came after iOS,

That fragmented Country, from whose bourn

Many Travellers return, puzzles the Will,

And makes us rather bear those Ills we have,

Than fly t’what Others are disappointed of.

Thus Lock-in does make Cowards of us all,

And thus the native Hue of Ret’na Displays

Is sicklied o’er with the Yen for larger Screens,

And Technologists of great Pith and Moment,

In this Regard their Comments turn Awry,

And lose all Sense of Reason. Soft you now,

The fair KitKat? Google, in thy Data Mines,

Be all my Sins remembered.

originally posted to my tumbl, updated to iOS 7

