Careers in user experience: a collected resource

The below is relevant for people looking to build their careers in user experience design, from first time hires to experienced and seasoned professionals

Rob Hall


How to break into UX:

UX Career advice how to get a job in UX

A collection of articles, videos and other useful information for you to take advantage of when you’re applying to Foolproof or elsewhere. From CV writing and crafting your UX portfolio to information on what working in a digital agency is like.

Breaking into a career in UX

Amy Shore outlines her tips to help you stand out from the crowd in the world of user experience. Her thoughts can help you transition from education towards a career in user experience with ease.

Our top takeaway from this piece is, “Developing a voice and opinion on current trends and topics in the industry will also be a great conversation starter.”

Improving your UX application and portfolio:

How to ace the UX job application

This piece from Phil Morton still rings true today particularly, if you’re looking to make an impression on the way to landing yourself a role in user experience. Here, Phil provides you with some top tips you should consider when putting together your CV, covering letter and portfolio.

Our top takeaway from this piece is, “[Tell] a story through your CV and covering letter.”

Tactics for crafting your UX portfolio

Picking the right balance between showcasing the end product and the process is tricky. From this blog you can learn how to create a great portfolio which showcases your projects in an engaging way while succinctly describing your approach and design thinking.

Our top takeaway from this piece is, “Choose your words and visuals carefully and make sure you demonstrate both your work and what you are like to work with.”

CV writing top tips for UX job applications

Learn how to create a beautifully crafted UX CV which screams interview me. But, don’t expect to dash out the perfect CV in one sitting. Refining and iterating on this document is key to your success.

Our top takeaway from this piece is, “As Shakespeare wrote, brevity is the soul of wit. This is especially true of CVs. When faced with any CV over two pages long, I think: “if you can’t be brief in your CV, how on earth will you be concise and insightful in your client presentations?”

Careers content on design:

Building your experience design career

Tim Caynes relays five things he’s learnt that will be invaluable to propelling your user experience design career forwards. Whether you’re wondering where to begin as a recent design graduate, or you have a couple of years of in-house or agency-based design experience these tips are invaluable.

Our top takeaway from this piece is, “Being hired is as much about you as it is about your prospective employer: neither party should take the plunge unless you’re all feeling positive.”

Tips for designers when applying for your next role

James Reeve outlines the issues he encounters time and time again with a majority of applicants. Read this blog if you want to know six areas to address when applying to your next role as an experience designer.

Our top takeaway from this piece is, “Designers do not need real work experience.”

UX Careers — 5 Non-design, design skills to make you stand out

Having a formal design education is one thing but having the soft skills that offset this can set you apart from the field as a design practitioner allowing you to really make a difference. From controlled bravery to embracing the opportunity to grow.

Our top takeaway from this piece is, “[Designers] must be able to listen, and observe to uncover opportunities and constraints. Only then can they balance the needs of the end users with the needs of the business.”

We hope that this collected content has been beneficial to establishing your experience design career. We wish you the best of luck and hopefully we’ll be hearing from you very soon.

Remember: Always maintain a degree of integrity when searching for your next step in user experience design, don’t feel obliged to accept every opportunity that comes your way if you aren’t comfortable.

We’re hiring, visit our Careers Page

Originally published at



Rob Hall

Marketeer and content scibbler at with a passion for the ethical side of experience design.