Almost everything we see is a matter of perception. Then what perception is the most helpful? pic cc Pixabay

Earth’s 7 Chakras

What if we considered Earth as a living being?


The benefit of seeing earth as a living thing

Some people consider earth as a living thing. Others consider it a rock on which life happened to rise. Others believe one or more supreme beings purposefully created a garden for human kind to grow in. Yet whatever we believe, we must admit that life on earth happened and is precious to us. Thus is a healthy eco-system essential to our existence. All our stories about reality will be lost, when we make this planet impossible to live on for human kind. The mix of global warming, animal and insect extinctions are the biggest threat we are facing today. What to do?

Healing our wounded chakras

Someone on facebook inspired, read asked, me to come up with the chakras of our planet. I defined these seven aspects each offering a different fundament to our existence. They each boost and support life and help us develop slowly ever higher forms of complexities and consciousness. Each of these aspects needs to be healthy. They all strengthen each other if they are healthy. Things fall apart when any one is harmed and starts impacting the health of the others.

If we then read this model in search of an adequate response to our damaged eco-systems, we find approaches that may help. Here are helpful tips connected to each of our planets chakras. And actually, because they are connected to the chakras, essential aspects of our own being, they will feel as common sense and basic truths. If we’d only took the time and energy to follow up on that.

So here are the seven chakras of planet earth and their gift to all of us.


There has to be stuff, to be. No house can be build without floor, no fish swim without water. No existence is possible without a center to contain it and build from. This includes connectedness to everything that is. Without connectedness or ground things disperse or go wrong. This correspondents to the Lithosphere.

Lesson: If we do things disconnected from basic realities we get lost. The saying ‘keep your feet on the ground’ is not for nothing.


The core is there because of gravity. Mass attracts mass. The power of attraction plays a big role of things coming together. It works for water, seeping down to the seas, to attraction between beings leading to procreation. This correspondents with the Hydrosphere and Yin. It’s connected to the moon too. A harder to accept aspect of this chakra may be death, reunion with the core. Yet ‘ashes to ashes, dust to dust’ is the reality of the natural world.

Lesson: We need to accept death and decay, reunion with the core. All our efforts to overcome death, have lead to long term destruction. The killing of all animals that may hurt us, is hurting us. The use of antibiotics is leading to new threats. We choose disconnection to live in the illusion that we are separate of everything not us. We are one.


Union can’t happen without a split. Differences lead to a dance between sides. On the one hand there are powers leading us towards order, like union. On the other hand there is chaos and experiments from which new patterns can arise. Through these the whole develops towards higher complexity and even more possibilities. These opposites need to dance to help emergence. The Hindus call this Leela, or Shiva’s ongoing dance of creation and destruction. Things go wrong when either one dominates, like in tyrannies. Then we find that imposed order leads to more dysfunctional chaos rather than less. This level correspondents to Yang and our Troposphere, habitable layer around Earth and needs to be in balance with the other layers.

Lesson: We need a healthy diversity. We need to allow a dance, lots of interaction, between differences, stimulate yin and yang. We should regard primal forests as ancient communities. Cutting them down is ecocide, and lack of understanding that nature developed over millions of years. Our planted forests and dominant agriculture is but shamble inadequate copy of the highest form of life: the combination of all of it, in interaction with each other.


Life was born out of the dance played out in Emergence. It is the investigative self procreating and self continuing experiment of development. It seems free from all that came before, but is always dependent on the healthy state of them. Life could also be called love, heart, energy, will, direction, purpose. In life the amount of interactions are being multiplied as life multiplies and diversifies. This chakra correspondents to our Biosphere and all the simplest of life forms, like cells, bacteria, etc.

Lesson: We need to seek to live more. What value has life when love, heart, energy, will, direction, purpose are missing? Just the purpose to make more money is weakening our touch with life. We all should also seek to expand our capacity to enjoy, breathe the essence. Dance with gratitude that being alive is a gift, not a burden.


On this level meaning and emotions are born. The joy of life can be expressed. Pains leading can be expressed, leading to action by other beings. Through expression we can differentiate and understand better. The power to express ‘yes to this’, ‘no to that’ leads to clearer differentiation and more directed (inner) growth. Diversity now becomes an art leading to higher consciousness. This chakra corresponds with life forms that make choices.

Lesson: We need to express better and more truthful what hurts us and what would bring more joy. We help ourselves by seeing every action as an expression of art. That will strengthen life (I’m actually smiling typing this bit) and or improve our change to be listened to.


Through differentiation, meaning, purposeful consciousness grows. From being aware of self and other, we grow beyond separating between eatable and not eatable, safe and unsafe and other non conscious instincts towards self awareness and evaluative powers. All conscious life can develop answers to direct threats and choose wiser options that help emerge to higher levels. This chakra corresponds with all life forms reason about their choices. These are more abundant than we currently think.

Lesson: The more conscious we are of all that is at play, the more adequate we can react. If we don’t rise above our instincts we’ll be ruled by them. Sadly many powerful businessmen and politicians seem to use their intelligence to become richer, more powerful, yet lack the consciousness as to how their choices impact everything else. The whole world pays the price for it.


There are filters on all levels. Filters protecting earth and making like possible, like the ozone layer in the Stratosphere and above that the Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere that are all filters that surround and protect earth in different ways. Like that, we all must have filters to protect us and distinct what is safe or unsafe, what has meaning or is nonsense, etc. Filters are refined forms of differentiation, and offer higher forms of perception and choice and thus seeing. People who live with disturbed filters can make mistakes or get sick on all other levels. Healthy filters protect us from the unhealthy and let through what is essential. Light. Meaning both Earth’s outer Chakra and inspiration.

Lesson: We must filter out the lies, and distractions and get inspired to face the real threats. If we look through broken filters, we will make the wrong choices. Is the approach of 4000 immigrants towards a border really as important as the whole of our environment? Does being open to corruption for oil interests make sense, with a rising amount of people demanding a green overhaul of the whole economy?

8. SUN

Earth’s Outer Chakra. Without the sun, our core may not have developed life. It also is the source of higher purpose and aspirations beyond our personal ones.

Maslov revisited. Whole Systems Maslov Model cc by FlorisKoot Note,: The top actually synchronizes with the bottom. They flow over in each other.

Lesson: We need to work in service of a higher purpose, the health of our whole system. If it dies, we die. I mean, now it looks more like we may die and it will just use another billion years to regenerate a full balance with hopefully a more conscious species.


All in all this is about maturing to reality. We are part of a bigger whole, and we either accept it, or pay the price. Whether our planet is actually a living thing or not, is not important for this. The question is, is our whole system healthy? Are we helping or not?

Using this model we can see what’s going wrong more clearly. Our current over-emphasis on emergence, read progress, is actually endangering and harming life on our planet. Human enterprise has a lack of yin (acceptance), union and connectedness. Can we see we are interdependent parts of the whole? Our heart is not enough in touch with what really matters. We filter the wrong things, convictions, and weaken the real filters. Do we dare to look at the pain of injustice, done by our own governments or corruption used by corporations to further destroy natural environments for ever more profits? And if our consciousness is distracted or disconnected from what is happening to our planet, how can we respond adequately?

Our disconnection has made us, the ‘pinnacle of creation’ into the monsters. Our most civilized looking leaders compare to the vampires that suck the life our of our ecosystem for their own profits. We all collaborate when we consume their products and lies as faithful minions. It’s like we don’t want to see, because seeing is understanding that we all must change our ways. And while our ‘leaders’ tell us that protest against their ‘order’ is disturbance, we must see they disturb the dance of diversity and hinder the free expression of all life (“Cut those trees, we got a contract!”). And we are all ending up poorer for the lack of it. Yet, we can still become healers, all of us, when we seek to bring more balance to the chakras of our planet, within ourselves and for the whole.



Floris Koot
Fool’s Questions

Play Engineer. Social Inventor. Gentle Revolutionary. I always seek new possibilities and increase of love, wisdom and play in the world.