FOOSSA Newsletter September 2015

Foossa Files
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2015


Upcoming Events & Workshops

Awesome Talks 2
Tuesday, September 8, 7–9 pm, LMHQ, New York City
Learn about the Awesome Foundation, meet former grantees, chat with trustees, network and have a great time. FREE. Refreshments will be served. Details and RSVP here. In case you missed it, here is a recent NY Times article about the Awesome Foundation.

Transformative Storytelling Class
Monday, September 21, 7–9 pm, Centre for Social Innovation, NYC
Join Foossa’s Lee-Sean Huang in uncovering the narrative structures and strategies used by social change practitioners and entrepreneurs for building community and inspiring action. Register today and use code Huang25 to get 25% off.

Future of the Sharing Economy Panel, presented by BeSocialChange
Tuesday, September 22, 7–9pm, ?What If! Innovation, NYC
Join Lee-Sean Huang and representatives from Airbnb, MiLES and MeetUp in exploring the opportunities and challenges of collaborative consumption and the sharing economy. RSVP.

Do Tank by MiLES
September 25-December 6, Impact Hub NYC
Come learn design thinking and human centered design with us, and apply your new skills to tackle the challenges of sustainable food systems. This is a free 10-week (part time) learning experience. Learn more and apply now.

Service Design International Conference
Friday, October 2, Parsons the New School for Design, NYC
Foossa’s David Colby Reed will be speaking about our recent work in service design innovation. Learn more and register here.

GIVNYC 2015, presented by Givkwik
Tuesday, December 1, Impact Hub NYC
SAVE THE DATE: GIVNYC 2015 is a live participatory philanthropy event taking place in New York City on Giving Tuesday (December 1) later this year. We are looking for non-profits to participate and showcase their work. Learn more about partnerships here.

Introducing Nouvwa

Foossa is working with Nouvwa, a new non-profit organization on building their strategy and brand identity. Nouvwa is working to amplify stories from communities on the rise. Learn more and sign up to get exclusive early access to the launch of our podcast later this year.

Recent Publications

Monetizing Neighborliness: eNeighbr exudes entrepreneurial spirit, but does it foster the kind of community we want to live in?

Mischievous Movement: Documentation from Lee-Sean’s movement workshop at the Sextantworks Placemaking lab on Governor’s Island last month

Share the Love

Support the Sharing Experiment by our friend Claire Marshall.

And check out Designercise on Kickstarter. Designercise is a creative thinking game and ideation tool by our friends at the Un-School of Disruptive Design.

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Foossa Files

Design Educator and Content Creator. Cofounder of Foossa, Director of Design Content and Learning at AIGA, and PT Faculty at Parsons School of Design and SVA.