Foossa November 2016: Ch-ch-ch-changes, upcoming talks and more

Robb Nanus
Foossa Files
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4 min readNov 16, 2016


We are pleased to welcome Robb Nanus to the Foossa team. We also got some sweet new office digs at WeWork Irving Place!

A bit more about Robb:

Robb is an award-winning live event and digital producer. At Foossa, he will serve as project producer and strategist, where he ensures that our projects run smoothly, on-time, and on-budget, and that our partners stay happy in the sometimes difficult journey of co-creation.

Outside of Foossa, he currently works primarily with influencer/creator Max Emerson. Recent project include the six time award winning musical Newton’s Cradle, the Obie Award-winning theatrical experience The Woodsman at New World Stages, the Drama Desk-award winning musical The Lion and the sold out, New York premiere of Andrew Lippa’s I Am Harvey Milk starring Kristin Chenoweth, the Orchestra of St Luke’s and the 120 member All Star Broadway Men’s Chorus at Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall. He also recently worked on the Broadway musical Allegiance, primarily acting to build community and education opportunities with celebrity influencer George Takei and the rest of the creative team around the rich historical contexts of the groundbreaking piece.

Foossa is also honored to be a part of the ADELPHI Strategy Collective on big data and social innovation!

More information here:


Direct from our founders Lee Sean Huang and David Colby Reed

ETHOS Papers interviews Foossa co-founder Lee Sean Huang

What are the five most interesting things that you have come across or read recently?

1. Bruce Lee Podcast: Bruce Lee’s daughter Shannon Lee and culture analyst Sharon Ann Lee (no relation) talk about the life and philosophy of Bruce Lee. Even if you aren’t a Bruce Lee or martial arts fan, the podcast goes into the philosophical side of Bruce Lee and is relevant for anyone interested in timeless wisdom the creative process.

Find the other 4 items on Lee Sean’s list and the rest of the interview here.


A few of our favorite reads this month

The President in conversation with MIT’s Joi Ito and WIRED’s Scott Dadich on the future of Artificial Intelligence

JOI ITO: This may upset some of my students at MIT, but one of my concerns is that it’s been a predominately male gang of kids, mostly white, who are building the core computer science around AI, and they’re more comfortable talking to computers than to human beings. A lot of them feel that if they could just make that science-fiction, generalized AI, we wouldn’t have to worry about all the messy stuff like politics and society. They think machines will just figure it all out for us.

Marketing Melancholy — An interview with the designer of Sanrio’s Newest Character: Gudetama, a sad egg

AMY: I was eating a raw egg on rice at home one morning and thought to myself that the egg was kind of cute, but entirely unmotivated and indifferent as well. Eggs are phenomenal! The taste, lustre, nutritional value, and countless ways they can be prepared make eggs great, but for me, eggs that are relegated to the fate of being eaten also seemed despairing… They seem entirely absent from any effort or energy, almost as if they were sick of the competitive world around them.

The personality I was imagining seemed to me to parallel people in modern society who despair amid economic hard times and who are talented but don’t feel like throwing themselves into anything.

Navigating innovation in the Public Sector

Kit Lykkekoft, senior consultant at Workz, breaks down the current innovation trend within the public sector and outlines when each may be best applicable. Covered trends include design, behavioral insights, big data, open data, positive deviance, challenges & prizes and serious games.


Upcoming Panel:

HARVARD IN TECH: Design Leaders in Tech

Tuesday, November 22nd
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Work-Bench, 110 5th Avenue, 5th Floor

Tickets can be found here:

Upcoming Event:

New York Social Good HOLIDAY Bash 2016

Tuesday, December 6th
Wix Lounge, 235 W 23rd St, 8th Fl

Tickets and RSVP information coming soon.

Work with Foossa!

Have a project that might be a good fit for Foossa? Or a conference you need someone to speak at? We are currently available for workshops, speaking engagements, and new projects for 2017. Reach out and let’s have a chat!

