Footium Player Launch

George Benton
Published in
6 min readMar 15, 2024


  • Each wallet holding a Footium Club will be airdropped their official squad of Footium players on Arbitrum One next week
  • Club and Player NFTs will be separate from this point on, meaning buying a Footium Club NFT does not mean the squad of players comes with it!
  • IMPORTANT: Remove any collection offers on Footium Clubs. There will likely be volatility around Club prices at the time of the squad generation
  • We recommend not moving, buying or selling Clubs whilst the squad airdrop process is occurring to avoid squads being sent to the wrong wallet
  • Once this process is complete, you will be able to buy, sell and transfer your Footium Player NFTs
  • We will be supporting OpenSea as the primary marketplace for trading Footium Players. There will be a 5% trading fee on player trades, which will go towards Prize Pools

What’s happening?

Within the next week, Footium Clubs will be receiving their squads of players!

This is of course a huge milestone for Footium and something that has received a lot of input from the community across several playtests — A huge thank you from the Footium Team to everyone who has given feedback + participated in our playtests along the way!

Each Club will receive a squad of players whose quality is relative to the Division of the Club. These players will be airdropped to the wallet containing your Footium Club on Arbitrum One. These players are your Club’s real squad and won’t be replaced, so be sure to take good care of them!

The players that are created for each club will automatically be registered to that club (even if you have multiple clubs in one wallet). Any newly purchased players can be registered to your desired when the game is next live.

The players won’t be visible on the Footium website until the next time we open the game up for testing, so we advise you to utilise OpenSea to see your players for the time being.

If you own multiple Clubs in a single wallet and therefore receive multiple squads, you can filter to see specific players for each Footium Club you own on OpenSea via your profile.

How will it happen?

We are currently internally testing the squad deployments + ensuring the process is smooth and that correct players are generated for each Club. We expect this process to take at least a few more days. Following this:

  • We will then be airdropping the player NFTs to your wallet on Arbitrum One, and then pausing the Player NFT contract for a few days. This means there will be no buying/selling/moving of NFTs whilst the contract is paused.
  • The purpose of pausing the contract is to ensure all the NFT players correctly ‘index’ (get the data for their NFT such as image, name ratings etc.) before we open up trading. This process will take up to a few days given there are tens of thousands of players to index.
  • Once the indexing is finished and we’re happy with the deployment, we will un-pause the contract and trading can begin! We expect that this will be by Friday 22nd March
  • You’ll then be able to see your squad on OpenSea + buy, sell and transfer your player NFTs

We will announce at least 24 hours before the Arbitrum One squad airdrop occurs. Following this announcement and until the player contract is un-paused, we strongly recommend that you do not buy sell or move any Footium Clubs to avoid squads being sent to the wrong wallet.

We will be supporting OpenSea as the primary marketplace for trading Footium Players. There will be a 5% trading fee on player trades, which will go towards Prize Pools for the first season of Footium which will include real money prizes. There will also be the standard 2.5% OpenSea fee for completing trades.

Note: the trading fee will go to the prize pool for the Division of the Club that sells the player.

PLEASE be hyper-aware of scams during this period, it is possible malicious users may launch a scam collection to try and trick Footium Club owners.

We will communicate via our official channels on Discord and Twitter once the player contract is un-paused, and we will work with OpenSea to get the collection verified as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns during this period, please don’t hesitate to message in the #Support channel in the Footium Discord!

What will Squads look like?

Squads will contain a slightly higher number of players than in previous playtests. They will contain a range of positions (including 2 Goalkeepers!) that should give managers freedom to choose their own footballing philosophy + playing formation. Of course, once trading begins, you can refine your squad even more via the Transfer Market on OpenSea if you so wish!

Rare players will not be generated with the initial squads. Those of you who have won rare players via competitions will receive those before the first season when real-money prizes begins.

Separation of Club + Player NFTs

At the point of the squad mint, Club and Player NFTs will be separated. Buying a Club will not mean that the squad of players comes with it. Moving a Club or selling a Club will also not cause any Footium Player NFTs to move with it.

This is an important point to make because in some previous playtests, Club NFTs and Player NFTs were linked. This was our originally intended user experience, so new users could seamlessly purchase a Club + Player Squad in one go. During our smart contract audits, it became clear that this would be exploitable and would likely result in people getting scammed by malicious actors.

Therefore, the best solution currently is to separate the Club + Player NFTs so that this exploit was not possible. In future, we will be looking to improve this user experience.

To clarify: if you are someone looking to buy a new Club, be aware you will also need to purchase players to play for your Club!

What do I need to do?

IMPORTANT — If you have placed a collection offer bid on the Footium Clubs collection, we strongly advise you to remove that bid. There will likely be volatility around Club prices around the squad airdrop, so it is best to wait until this process is concluded to make any collection offers on Club NFTs.

For everyone else, you don’t need to do anything right now! Your squad will automatically be created and airdropped to the wallet which holds your Footium Club(s).

What’s Next?

This is a big step forward for Footium and we want to thank everyone who has been with us along the way and helping to shape Footium through testing the game, providing feedback and giving us some incredible ideas!

We’d greatly appreciate it if you could spread the news about the Player Launch far and wide (particularly to any friends of yours that own Footium Clubs and may not have seen this announcement!).

After the Player Launch, we will be conducting a full-scale season with all 3000+ Footium Clubs playing. This will allow us to test the scalability improvements we have been working hard on in a production environment.

Only Footium Club owners will be able to participate in this season, so if you’d like to be involved but don’t yet own a Club, you’ll need to purchase one in order to play!

To stay up to date with everything Footium, be sure to join our Discord, follow us on twitter, and sign up to our newsletter!

