Leadership That Loves

The connection between leadership and love

Zachary Jeans
Footsteps Forward


Leadership that loves, gives, builds, helps and guides for the good of others. So much of what this world calls ‘love’, is really selfishness and lusts of the heart. But at the core of a loving leader, is humility. A loving leader is always leading, to some degree or another, sensing their responsibility to those around them. Reacting isn’t leading- acting appropriately to people and in response to circumstances is leadership.

Leadership that loves, follows others to learn, and to teach. Following is a form of listening. A loving leader listens to counsel from their team, but also knows that the leader is responsible to make the final call. They know they will be made fun of, ridiculed, & even threatened for choosing one way over another. It’s love that empowers this sacrifice of self image, which in turn, affords them the ability make the best decision for the whole, rather than for themselves.

Leadership that loves is life, flourishing in the hearts of those that both give it, and receive it. The language might not be mushy, but a loving leader embeds love in every relationship, professional & personal. They feel accountable to treat their family with the same leadership they espouse in public. And they endeavor to treat those they lead in public, as they would their family, as dear people, with lives that matter more than their work. They are like shepherds, that lead their flock by calling to them, not poking at them. They hope in all situations. They believe in all circumstances. They endure through all trials. They do so, because they love.

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Zachary Jeans
Footsteps Forward

Facilitating conversations around Salesforce, Leadership, and Travel, with a passion for NonProfits.