THE Real Problem With Africa (Spoiler: It’s NOT Leadership)

because leadership is not THE problem like some think

Blessing Mpofu
For A Greater Africa
3 min readJul 31, 2013


It is sad how Africa is riddled with problems. From poverty, to droughts, corruption, civil and political unrest. The beautiful continent is limited in resource and response to things she has no control over.

Maybe she is not as limited as she thinks. Not limited as the rest of the world has come to believe as well. Perhaps the real problem is exactly that. The real problem…

The problem with Africa is not leadership like most say. I will admit it, that is what I thought. It is what I was made to believe for long time. It will take a lot for Africa and the world at large to stop blaming leadership. It must be stated though, that while leadership is not the problem it does perpetuate it.

What happens with leadership is simple one of the ways it the real problem manifests. Lack of resources is not it either.

The need for Ubuntu has been voiced many times by Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and other leaders. The philosophy of, “I am because we are”… That we need each other in a more-than-just-community-sense but that our acts of benevolence, or lack or, define us in a way that can make humanity better…

The call for Ubuntu only starts to point out the real problem with Africa. Spoiler alert. The problem is a lack of love. Cliché? Perhaps, but that’s the truth.

True and sustained benevolence and or Ubuntu are only real and worth the while if they’re founded on love. Good actions are sometimes mistaken for Ubuntu.

Ubuntu is more than just kind actions. Sometimes kind actions are drenched with selfish motives.

Love, on the other hand, love toward others, that is, has the best interests of others first. True Ubuntu is a fruit of love.

Africa has to start loving herself. When she does she will realise that there is enough for everyone to go around. The natural resources will be shared in a way that uplifts for everyone. If the resource aren’t enough, at least everyone will care to spread them and make sure there’s enough to go around.

Africa has everything she needs to succeed. For peace. For prosperity. She needs to stop hating on herself.

When Africa starts loving herself through her motives and actions toward herself, she will be an formidable force. It is also through love the unity can be forged and sustained.

Africa’s problem is that she doesn’t love herself enough. It is full of people, and leaders that care more about what they want for themselves, their clan, their tribe and not for every African. Selfishness is at the root of Africa’s problems because it is not the fruit love.

Love is selfless. It is kind. It puts others before itself.

When Africans truly love each other despite their tribe and any other filter for justifying discrimination, she will reflect everything that is love. No, she will be everything that love is.

Corruption is a result of greed. Greed is not a love thing. It is fruit of selfishness. Caring, thinking and acting more for self than for the good of others. No love there…

The real problem with Africa is that too many people in Africa love themselves and not Africa.

Perhaps one of the reasons Africa’s love walk is not what it could be is that love is not easy.

It takes work. Love will ask you to die. Your preferences. Your own ambitions. Dead.

While love can be demanding, it is most fulfilling and most beneficial.

Africa’s problem is she sees the work it takes to love and not what the work, the labor of love can produce.

Dear Africa, Love yourself. Really love yourself.



Blessing Mpofu
For A Greater Africa

just guy changing the world. husband to @inkiebouts. blogger, writer, growing leader and communicator | editor in chief @churchmag |