Cloud Gathering

Two spells in parallel.

David Rudder
For Awe


Photo by Surya Prakosa on Unsplash

In translucent light afore the night,
In shadows and silent applause,
Out of the dark into the light,
A moment of opening doors.

Lifting away the layers,
Cloud gathering in the rain,
Sing songs of the soothsayers,
Hearing angels lilting refrain.

Behind the masks and eclipses,
Miracles meet one by one,
In tween tender fingertips,
Seep through the rays of the sun.

Soft as wool, some lean and full,
Signs shapes and omens as well,
Past the pause, the push and pull,
Two spells in parallel.

Inching into equanimity,
Haste is a waste of time,
Strength in solidarity,
The ease of the rhythm and rhyme.

We lie on our backs as the world drifts on by,
Cloud gathering senses and signs,
The sun looking down with a glorious eye,
Reading between the lines.



David Rudder
For Awe

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.