Nature Poems

Energy Transfer Stations

The link of Sun to Earth, even in winter.

Emily Gibson
For Awe
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2024


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Photo by Fré Sonneveld on Unsplash

Obvious in summer.
Abundant light turns
to fruits, seeds, and leaves,
feeds all life, abundantly.

Radiant in fall.
Stored light’s bright release
sends months of sun back
to shock and awe on dark drenched days.

Auspicious in spring.
Warmed soil sends sprouts
and first yellow flowers up, up, up,
greedy for light and the hope of longer days.

Unexpected in winter.
Growth closed for the season
like shuttered amusement parks,
beach houses, and farm stands.

But today, the air sizzled —
electricity sparked amongst cedars and pines
when each needle’s icy coat cracked gently
in a sun-fueled breeze.

About this poem: A poetic attempt to capture a magical sound in the trees this morning. A sound I had never heard in…



Emily Gibson
For Awe

Poet, naturalist, long-distance cyclist, person with MS, teacher, fond of equines... The gift of my MS is poetry,. Absolutely 100% HI, zero AI.