

David Rudder
For Awe
1 min readFeb 16, 2022


Image thanks to Jo Stewart.

In dreams, it seems I wander through,
Faces, places and time,
And disappear into the blue,
Then wake up feeling fine.

Through the mist, I see the bliss,
And feel the days embrace,
A mystery I wouldn’t miss,
I see your smiling face.

I see you in the wind and trees,
Flow so naturally,
The words of care in the breeze,
Are spelled love actually.

In a place of peace and quiet,
Far from the break and bustle,
A sleepy place where I might,
Redesign the puzzle.

I ponder past the pieces,
The peers and paradigms,
And what now releases,
The mimes of other times.

Love is like a lifebuoy,
On the sea of life,
As I’m saved I feel the joy,
And leave the scene of strife.

It fits together naturally,
Like seasons melt away,
A mystery and alchemy,
Then night turns into day.

Like a flight of pure delight,
Alighting on a flower,
Easy as a butterfly,
In a sunshine shower.

Life is my elixir,
My daily drug of choice,
A most magical mixture,
In life, I can rejoice.


David Rudder

Thanks for reading.



David Rudder
For Awe

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.