For Awe Highlights — January
Awe-Filled and Awe-Inducing Stories and Poems
For true happiness and better physical and mental health, make way for awe. In the vastness of the universe, the opportunities for finding awe are unlimited. Sharing our experiences of awe increases the impact it has on us and further connects us for the greater good.
— For Awe, Medium Publication
January brought snow to the Philadelphia area. More than usual, but not much and it didn’t stick around. One morning the tips of each tree branch were covered with a shiny sheet of ice that shimmered in the sunlight.
The next day, we watched a few more inches fall from the sky.
As the flakes floated and found a place to fall, I appreciated the snow for its quiet beauty. Of course, I understand the water cycle and the properties of water. But, on this particular day, I couldn’t stop wondering, how can this just be water?