Her Eyes

Siddhartha Writes The Blues
For Awe
Published in
Oct 21, 2023
Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

Her eyes,
deep brown with flecks of gold
shimmering jewels in darting sunlight

Sat under a tree in the dying days of summer
my head in her lap
gazing up at her

In awe of her brown eyes
blinking down at me, full of love, full of mercy
her right hand intertwined with mine
her left hand resting on my cheek

She leans down to meet my lips with hers
her closed eyelids rub gently against mine
her inhalations syncopate with my exhalations

She lifts her lips from mine
she smiles
the setting sun forms a halo around her head
two souls behold each other
a love’s ember flickers
underneath a magenta sky.

