Hidden Lines of Perspective to Awe

Readers’ curiosity needs new paths to explore.

Thomas Sparley
For Awe


Sunrise on August 13, 2022 at 5:50 (AM). Varying intensities of light and color change the perspective of the light source as you ascend up the photograph.

PHOTO by author: Sunrise on August 13, 2022 05:50 (AM). There are four paths of direction; light intensity of the horizon, colors in the lower clouds, clear blue sky, and dark scattered higher clouds.

Do you see the hidden lines of light perspective from the morning sun?

The brightness of the lower clouds reflects the strong warmth of the rising sun. As your eyes ascend into the main cloud group, you appreciate the mellow warmth of colors to the white light on the upper edges.

The background of the blue sky gives a view of hope to see more sun. Then the black scattered clouds are further west than the main cloud group of mellow warmth. There is no light in the dark scattered pattern.

I appreciate the flow with lines of perspective by visual, audio, and music in nature and community.

There are more connection benefits with our writing when the hidden vanishing points are noticed:

(1) guide the viewer in the image as described in our storytelling.

(2) are an ascending or descending perspective to the main object (steps or levels to the subject in your story),

(3) describe the journey of our story; the high road or the low road? OR BOTH

(4) show the travels of our story in the curvature of a beach or trail, the change of intensity in the clouds at sunrise, or a meandering road in the forest to the lake.

[Authors note: This flow in the lines of perspective can also be in video or audio. My experience of driving out of the serene forest on an unimproved dirt road was my moment of this audio line of perspective.]

The evening news was updating the end-of-day traffic congestion in Seattle and connecting freeways. The irony was the mental perception of end-of-day traffic while I was taking my drive slowly in the forest.

Photographs To Paragraphs

The depth of emotions is endless with the collaboration of these two forms of art.

Readers will discover this subtle connection as they follow the intentional flow of your photographs from your title, subtitles, and paragraphs.

The understanding of why the photographs are an integral part of your storytelling structure shares your personal involvement in the story.

The skimmers will be curious when they skip to the Takeaway section after a quick review of the introduction section (title, kicker, subtitle, photos, and captions).

Photo by author, August 13, 2022 at 5:52 AM. An overview look of the sunrise with changing light intensities and colors.

Photo by author; August 13, 2022 05:52 (AM). Two minutes change the perspective of lighting (from the sun).

Your introduction is a curiosity challenge to follow the path of words to photos to words. Discover new paths of appreciating the connections of photographs to paragraphs.

What is the connection between the three parts of your story? Beginning, middle, and end?

Key phrases in photo captions and subtitles will guide the readers to appreciate the values of the three-story parts in their flow of interest in photographs and paragraphs.



Thomas Sparley
For Awe

53 years as explorer, writer, photographer. Photographs to Paragraphs. One-eye writing to share experiences of learning to adapt. 28-yrs geologist.