
How does it all work?

Eashan Kotha
For Awe


Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

“How do these films happen?” I wondered as a child. “Do they fall out of the sky? Or out of someone’s mind?”
I didn’t know better then, but I barely know now.
It seems something so simple is actually so rich. A frame. In a film.
A thousand considerations. A thousand iterations. A thousand adjustments.

The film we imagine,
the film we write,
the film we shoot,
the film we edit,
the film we let loose
into a world,

hoping to break indifference
to remove the audience from complacence,
to get swept away by the waves,
an orchestra of frames,
carefully sequenced and choreographed.

extremely rehearsed performance to evoke something live,
to get at a feeling,
an emotional truth,
salient long past after the lights brighten,
and we file out in a stream

multitudes of moving pieces,
logistical nightmare,
a budget in duress and a crew teeters on the edge,
and every now and then



Eashan Kotha
For Awe

Neurobiology and film enthusiast. I love poetry too. Buy my book of haiku: