
A star-studded night.

David Rudder
For Awe
Jan 14, 2022


In love with luminosity
Blinded by the light
Rounded off by rainbows
A star-studded night.

Beauty in kaleidoscope
Bountiful and bold
Crowned with iridescence
A story, yet untold.

Shimmers of scintillation
Steal into the dawn
Then coruscate in glory
Dewdrops on the lawn.

Transparency in water
Shattered by the wings
Birds bathing in the morning
Hope eternal springs.

Light lights up my life
Days explode in beams
Of coruscating rainbows
And materializing dreams.

Beneath the veils of sunlight
Rarely ever seen
In opulent understanding
Fountains cool and shadows green.

The fields in a mindset
Stretch and touch the sky
Expression of love and light
Live and never die.

Washed by cool clear waters
Irradiating love
Wings shimmering and ready
Adorn the morning dove.


David Rudder

Thanks for reading.



David Rudder
For Awe

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.