Old Hill Street Police Station

Singapore’s Past in Vibrant Hues

For Awe


Photo by Author

The Old Hill Street Police Station is an iconic example of colonial architecture in Singapore. The building was completed in 1934 and designed by the Public Works Department under Frank Dorrington Ward, a government architect. Today, the building has been repurposed and is home to various government agencies, offices, and cultural organizations. It has transformed into a vibrant cultural hub where art exhibitions, events, and performances take place, attracting visitors who can appreciate both its historical significance and modern relevance.

The first thing that catches my eye is the vibrant façade of the police station.

The rows of windows painted in a wide range of bright hues create a visually stunning display, which immediately set it apart from its surrounding urban landscape.

The clever use of colours wasn’t just a random design choice; it was a deliberate artistic expression by the architect, who assigned different colours to represent various functional spaces within the building.

Thanks to the wonderful preservation efforts, this colourful architecture has endured the test of time.



For Awe

An INFJ sharing his thoughts about life and events around the world. A photographer freezing fleeting moments of life with his camera.