Mythological Storytelling

Skin to Skin with the Wild.

Encounters at the Boundary of Myth.

Dr. Bettina Sieber🍎
For Awe


Photo by the author, Nature Park, Swiss pre-alpine forests.

Under a canopy green with dawn’s touch,
a hushed world stirs to life.
Myths drift on the breeze, telling tales of snows from afar.
Light dances through dew-laden leaves, the forest alive with enchantment.
The earth itself sighs, a deep breath releasing
the sacred perfume of lime blossoms, filling the air with heady rapture.

There, beside the well, as my fingers trace
the contours of waters old as time,
the forest stirs — a gentle rustle, the soft hoofbeat of a creature
cloaked in legend.
My serenity is pierced by the approach of a being
from realms beyond — a young roebuck, an avatar of nature’s untamed beauty.
His eyes, spirited pools of wilderness, draw me into their depths.
As he sips from the spring, a moment fragile and eternal
suspends between us, a mystic bond sealed with the quiet touch of wonder.

He approaches, the air thick with the scents of earth and rain — ancient and refreshing.
And then, in a moment that straddles the sacred and the earthly,
he lowers his head — the velvety down of his antlers, pre-male and ethereal,
brushes against my skin, promising future majesty.
His moist nose presses gently into my palm,
anointing our meeting with sanctity.

As he glances up, a silent vow is forged — in awe.

In his eyes, the reflection of the goddess of the hunt and moon,
bestowing her blessings through his sublime touch.

Your presence — a benediction — stirs the sacred to dance alive.
Your splendor has left an imprint in my soul,
inspiring a stream of verses that flow only for you.
In your gentle nudge, poetry found its muse,
whispering your wild grace through my veins.

Photo by the author, Nature Park, Swiss pre-alpine forests.

Author’s Note: Time to add a touch of humor to my mythical tale: When I encountered the charming roebuck, my three little daughters were with me. As he gently nudged me with his antlers, their squeals of delight filled the air. The moment I confessed to my girls that I was smitten enough to pen a poem about our antlered friend, they couldn’t contain their giggles. Now, the story of their mom falling for a roebuck has turned into their most cherished family tease…

© Written by Dr. Bettina Sieber 2024

Photo by the author, Nature Park, Swiss pre-alpine forests.



Dr. Bettina Sieber🍎
For Awe
Writer for

Poetic Encounters at the Boundary of Myth. Exploring its Mystic, Sensuous and Healing Dimensions. I Write to Highlight the Beauty of the Eternal Feminine.