The Air

It is in perfect concert pitch.

David Rudder
For Awe
1 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by Rich Martello on Unsplash

Washed by golden sunbeams
Untouched by human hands
Clear crystal mountain streams
Coastal virgin sands.

Environments uninhabited
Wild regions undisturbed
Soil and land uncultivated
The fauna unperturbed.

Wilderness in the great outdoors
An unspoilt and pristine tract
Plants releasing spores
Only they can re-enact.

Droughts, floods, and fires
Regeneration in accord
Nature’s wild desires
Striking the right chord.

Pristine untouched richness
Too precious to be harmed
Natural unique wilderness
Left alone and charmed.

Drink in the wide expanses
Sustain the damaged soul
Avoid unseen chances
Leave wildernesses whole.

Left in a natural state
Regenerating the earth
Leave nature to its fate
And minimise the dearth.

Cascades of pristine water
The earth sustained and rich
Photosynthesis the fiery blotter
Air in perfect concert pitch.

Elements in liberation
The freedom of a bird
True awe in every nation
Wilderness is a sacred word.

© David Rudder

Thank you for reading this piece and my poetry.



David Rudder
For Awe

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.