The Breathtaking Beauty of a Sunset in Sweden’s Wilderness

When the mist is rising from the forest and birds are singing in the last light

Anne Bonfert
For Awe
Published in
6 min readJun 8, 2022


Credit: Anne Bonfert

It’s just past 10 pm. The sun set minutes ago on the horizon behind the forest. It was magical. And still is. The light, the reflections on the lake, the chorus of the birds, and the peacefulness. All of it was just perfect.

Yes, this surely was one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve experienced. If not even the most beautiful one. And trust me, I’ve seen the sun setting all around the world. I have collected a fair share of breathtaking sunsets.
Yet this one was different.

Credit: Anne Bonfert

It was special. And still is. While I am writing this I hear the geese chatting as they are crossing the lake. A layer of mist is moving slowly across the surface of the lake.

Yes, it is cold. Maybe a little bit too cold for the last day of May.

But who am I to judge. It’s my first time in Sweden. And this is my first night in Sweden. And it’s my first time experiencing a sunset…



Anne Bonfert
For Awe

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.