It’s Almost Like Magic

Chris Creed
For Creatives
Published in
1 min readMar 10, 2014


"Every creative story is different but every creative story is the same: There was nothing and now there is something. It's almost like magic." -Jonah Lehrer, Imagine: How Creativity Works

There was nothing, now there is something. If you are a creative professional, you are in the business of producing what does not exist. The business of making stuff that wasn't here before you. Taking scrambled thoughts, busy scenes, and mixed up words and putting them in order to make something real. Bringing things into existence-this is what we do. We turn our thoughts, our vision, the way we see the world, into value. There was nothing, and now there is something.

You make magic. You add value. Start acting like what you do matters... because it does.



Chris Creed
For Creatives

I make stuff for a living. Coach. Live Events. Adventurer. Writer.