Building ‘dream houses’ 

With second-graders

For Educators
1 min readFeb 19, 2014


This morning, Connecticut teacher Josh Burker set out a design challenge for his second-grade class: “Design your dream house.”

Josh led his students across a three-part process to complete the assignment:

(1) Measure and map your bedroom

(2) Create a 2D floor plan of your room on a laptop

(3) Make a paper sketch of your dream house and build it with Blokify

If only building a house were this easy ….

Have you used or done something similar?

[Important to note: Blokify has published this piece on behalf of Josh with his full approval and permission, due to his current time constraints. Please feel free to contribute! There are zero barriers to entry!]



For Educators

Blokify lets builders create blok-based models, free form or through a guided building experience, and then 3D print those models.