Welcome to Blokify’s space for educators

To create, collaborate, share, and to build: together 

For Educators
2 min readFeb 10, 2014


After some feedback from the field (special shout-out to @plemmonsa & @joshburker) along with some initial polling and observation, we have decided to create a collaborative space whose purpose is two-fold: (1) to share lesson plans that utilize and/or integrate Blokify (2) to provide a forum to share thoughts, musings, and/or insights on lesson plans that provide a bridge to 3D printing and new technology.

Our goal of this space is to share, to inspire, to use, and to be inspired.

The beauty of this medium (no pun intended) is that anyone can submit a lesson plan or a post to this collection, and can also freely comment on anyone else’s submission/or post. [Important to note: Although we have to ‘approve’ submissions to this collection, we do not want to be an extra layer of complication, so consider every submission fair game to go ‘live’ promptly.]

We have created some preliminary lesson plans for educators, but again, find that our best information comes from the makers & doers in the field — you all!

New to Medium? We welcome you to read more about Medium here. Some of the cooler aspects of this platform include the ability to 1) link any quote/snippet of your own submission or someone else’s submission to your Twitter account, so you can tweet it directly 2) add video and images and 3) comment on anyone else’s post within submissions (see the ‘plus sign’ call-out boxes in the margin).

We hope this becomes a truly collaborative space for all of the maker educators out there!



For Educators

Blokify lets builders create blok-based models, free form or through a guided building experience, and then 3D print those models.