Congrats to Acacia

Stan Reiss
Matrix Partners Viewpoints
1 min readMay 13, 2016

We at Matrix are incredibly proud of the team at Acacia and have been honored to be part of its development since day one.

It has been just over six and a half years since Benny, Christian, and Mehrdad, with tremendous help and involvement from Eric, started working on Acacia in our office. They were fueled by a passion for a space thought to be impossible — almost everyone else said that we would never see another successful optical communications startup. Raj stepped in as CEO, and with a terrific group of engineers a business began to take shape.

They stayed hungry, focused and lean. And through incredible passion and perseverance, this uniquely qualified team has built a great company. It’s thrilling to see their efforts and courage grow into a public company, and it’s humbling for us to be a part of it.

It’s a great day for Boston tech, and we congratulate the entire team!

