24th March 2018 (Day 1- London)

Anisha Thampy
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2018

After short 3 hour bus drive, my husband and I arrived at London. We walked to Hyde park from Victoria bus terminal to have our breakfast. It was 20 minute walk but I feel, it is a good way to get introduced to London .

On our way we saw this iconic Cabmen’s Shelter which serves coffee and snacks.

Bridleway in Hyde Park

I have no clue why I was clicking so many duck and swan pictures. May be I was just too excited to try out the still camera I borrowed from my brother-in-law. But hyde park does have lots of variety of birds. Ducks and swans, swam pretty close to people.

And it is a perfect place for dog lovers.You find all kinds of dogs at hyde park.

And also for art lovers.

Mother, child,elderly, animal and nature. What is an inclusive public space for everybody (including nature )? This is a question, as a community we should ask ourselves.

More Swans.

Boring touristy picture @ kensington palace

An interesting touristy picture @ kensington palace

And finally some squirrels also.

The Elfin Oak is the stump of a 900-year-old oak tree in Kensington Gardens in London. Tiny sculptures are carved into this oak stump by Ivor Innes. around 1928.

Food, busking, shopping at Portabello market

Walk at Westminister Abbey Bridge

The Big Ben was under renovation. So what we saw was this.



Anisha Thampy
Editor for

Visual Communication Designer at Quicksand Design Studio in New Delhi, India.