Editor’s Letter

Sharp Home Europe
For Life Journal
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2015

By Paul Molyneux

So here we are, the second issue of our For Life publication and just in time for the best part of the year: Christmas!

Of course we all get excited about indulging with good food, a bit of booze and general merriment but more than anything what I love about Christmas is the way the house comes to life.

We create a home to live in, to call our own, to be a sanctuary away from the stress and chaos of the world outside. But, for me, Christmas is one of the few occasions of the year that really defines the home. It’s when the whole family comes together in one place to be, well, a family.

This is especially true for me these days as my children have grown up and moved into their own places. It’s at Christmas that they all come back and I love having everyone under one roof.

Christmas is all about setting the tone. My family rolls their eyes but I insist on Christmas music. Whether you’re aware of it or not there are certain things that put you in a festive mood. A warm cozy sofa, a really good cheesy Christmas film (I’m a massive fan of Elf), decorations everywhere, the smell of a big Christmas tree, and of course the FOOD!

My wife is the big-occasion cook in our house so she’s in charge of all the important aspects of the meal. Except for the gravy, that’s my domain, I’m obsessed with good gravy and, I like to think, even my kids would admit, ‘Dad makes the best gravy.’

So here is our Christmas issue of For Life. It’s packed full of insights, ideas, recipes and stories to add to the festive cheer. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we’ve enjoyed putting it together. But, more importantly than anything, from me and everyone here at Sharp, we wish you a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.



Sharp Home Europe
For Life Journal

At Sharp Home Europe we care about doing home appliances the right way. #LoveHome.