Go to For Linux Users
For Linux Users
If you use Linux from the command line or from a GUI, we want to help you get the most from it. Look for tutorials, software reviews, and more. Using WSL or Cygwin? We got you covered. Some software topics will apply to any platform (e.g,. Chrome, Google Docs, etc.).
Note from the editor

If you use Linux from the command line or from a GUI, we want to help you get the most from it. Look for tutorials, software reviews, and more. Using WSL or Cygwin? We got you covered. Some software topics will apply to any platform (e.g,. Chrome, Google Docs, etc.).

Go to the profile of Al Williams
Al Williams
Engineer. Author. Team Leader. Lots of other things. I blog about hardware hacking for Hackaday (www.hackaday.com), but talk about other topics here.
Go to the profile of Italo Baeza Cabrera
Italo Baeza Cabrera
Graphic Designer graduate. Full Stack Web Developer. Retired Tech & Gaming Editor. https://italobc.com
Go to the profile of Mahesh Thorat
Go to the profile of Rud Merriam
Rud Merriam
I am a retired software engineer with decades of experience with embedded systems and have used C++ since the early 90s.
Go to the profile of Kobi Rosenstein
Kobi Rosenstein
Linux infrastructure guy. This blog chronicles my “gotcha” moments — Each post contains an answer I would have like to have found when trawling google.
Go to the profile of Alex Ellis
Alex Ellis
CNCF Ambassador. OpenFaaS & Inlets founder — https://www.alexellis.io