Day 354

Michael MacPherson
For my 4th and final app
3 min readFeb 1, 2018

This month I decided to start building what could be my last app.

With help from some of these fine people, I’ve built 3 so far:

  1. Endship — roasting game, best played with friends who don’t offend easy
  2. Meow Tuner — guitar tuner composed of cat sounds
  3. Impression Idol — party game that’s only fun if you’re good at impressions

I also decided to start this blog. I’ll be committing to it for 12 posts, 1 year, or a completed prototype for app #4 — whichever comes first.

Why start a blog?

  • Start a one-sided conversation that leans to my favour, which for now, is all I’m comfortable with. Tweeting scares the shit out of me.
  • Build an authentic following. I’ve been told it’s important to demonstrate authenticity online, which can be difficult from the coding shadows.
  • Put a bit of pressure on myself by being publicly accountable.

Now, why might you be interested in following along?

  • You’re interested in building your own mobile app.
  • You liked Endship.
  • You saw one of my stand up routines.
  • You want to see what a starting a business looks like, from inception to success or failure.

I think that collectively describes about 12 people. If you’re not one of them, I can’t guarantee that this publication will provide you with any value.

Now, a brief history as to the financial success of my apps so far.

Lifetime revenue: $35

That would be comprised of 10 in-app purchases in Endship, and 7 purchases of Meow Tuner before I changed it to free after learning that people don’t buy apps ironically anymore.

Oh, and I pay about 30% of that to Google, Apple, or Facebook.

Revised lifetime revenue: $24

7 people voted for this in Endship

Over the last few years, I’ve kept a journal on Slack to document each day that I worked on one of these 3 apps, or the 4th I’m now starting.

Which leads us to…

It is my sincere desire that after you try it, this app ends up possessing a sort of poetic rhythm, carefully navigating you through a series of emotional peaks and valleys.

Or leads to a prompt deletion, followed by unfollowing my self indulgent ass.

Here’s a haiku.

Narrow squinted eyes

As I gaze at the mirror

And do finger guns

Thanks for reading. Feel free to post questions, comments, suggestions, ambiguous slogans, or better haikus.

