15 Best VSCode Extensions For Better Programming 2021

It’s time to declutter your VSCode toolbox, and just keep the important ones, here’s your reference.

Ann Adaya
For Self-Taught Developers


Photo by Lorenzo Herrera on Unsplash

“Give ordinary people the right tools and they will design and build the most extraordinary things.” — Neil Gershenfeld

I heard someone said, ‘let’s just install every vscode extensions that we find interesting.’ and I was like — ‘I’ll pray for your machines.”

A year ago when I was still working as a Mobile Developer, trying to save resources from memory to performance, I was really conscious of decluttering every tool I have, not just in VSCode of course.

VScode is a powerful tool, but it can also be a pain in the as* if not handled properly.

Imagine having to use Android Studio, XCode, Chrome, and VSCode, something’s gonna explode in a few minutes, I mean unless you’ve had one of the best laptops or machines in the world, but for most of us, we don’t.

So it’s probably time to clean up some stuff in our VSCode toolbox, but use this list as your reference for the tools that you need to keep.



Ann Adaya
For Self-Taught Developers

Software Developer, Founder/Owner: For Self-Taught Developers + Developer's Cheatsheet: https://www.developercs.com/